
Showing posts from November, 2022

Exh relfreeddf

Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs : “The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike,” wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch for the majority. “... “America’s founding, [Gorsuch] said, was not indifferent to God but predicated “on the Protection of divine Providence.” It is a measure of America’s estrangement from its theistic founding that something as harmless as a post-game prayer could now generate a raging controversy.” Seeing the Anti Christian hate from the Liberal 2.0 state media makes me want to red pill. I seriously pissed, angry, depressed, over that anti christian propaganda they spewed over the correct decision by the Supreme court to rule in Coach Kennedy’s favor.  Earth to fascist Anti Christian bigots, respect the Supreme Court decision. They proved that the constitution allows for what Coach Kennedy did . If you don’t like this Kenned

Exh revive

The extreme right will exploit and use idpol and wokeness to their advantage The Liberalism 2.0 of the US will stop eventually, but it won’t “level out” so to speak. The pendulum will swing in the opposite direction (to the radical right). When that happens it is gonna look a lot worse than what we have now with Liberal 2.0ers The actually racial victimization, not superiority that leads people to be radicalized to become racist/white indentarian, neofascist and Racial superiority   The foundation of racial identity is already drilled in by “anti-racist” idpol rhetoric, and then it’s a short path from “you whites are aggressors” to “do you feel like you’re on the offense? Actually us whites are the victims.” Racial superiority is the next step, which a person opens once they believe that they have been lied to about race in order to in their minds screw them over.  Honestly it is not even necessary really, you can get plenty of out of racism/white indentarian of  the “no offense, but w

Exh fiooesgh

Everything changes (que David Bowie song Changes).  Seeing things short term, you may believe that the way things are now is the way they will always be, but a look back through history will tell us that's not really the case. The world of the 1950s was vastly different from the world of the 1970s, which was vastly different from the world of the 1990s, which is different from the modern day. Wokeism as an ideology has been growing for the last couple of decades, and has now substantially taken over the political Liberal landscape and the media (in the US., at least). But what is its future? Will it go on to become the mainstream ideology of the US. or of the west for decades to come? Um, no, I don't think that is possible. Wokeism it is an ideology of self loathing. You can't have the main culture of a country be one of loathing itself, loathing the majority of its population, viewing itself as being uniquely sinful and horrible and worthy of annihilation. This situation c

Issues q iwip futuurue

While I support colleges throwing conservative students involuntarily in interment camps for re education and I throw around this deradicalizing idea here , I do not support Jordan Peterson being re educated here nor do I support what they are doing to him being commonplace or mainstreamed How lovely, re education camps. I remember the times when that concept was a conspiracy theory Right wing conspiracy theories don't exist anymore.. They are only called "spoiler alert" now Even though Justin Trudeau is above average, if he was put in the same shoes as Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping, there is a change he would be just as bad, if not worst than them. I never admired this little slimeyness in the first place. But the Freedom Convoy incident, it showed me what he really is, and that is not good (though this might vindicate him)  Someone losing their professional license due to them not espousing the politics of the party in charge is an indicator of fascism. Why is it always

Issues fwip futur

The Christian right has zero influence and its been that way for some time.  They've succeeded in not doing anything in which they've campaigned on all these of thesedecades: gay marriage is legal nationwide (along with the Respect for Marriage act being passed), abortion is still legal nationwide , there's still no official religion, porn still exists, Pat Robertson is very very old, and some of the loudest voices on the mainstream right: Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin and Dave Rubin, are all Jewish, the current Pope himself is a Marxian Catholic etc.  Meanwhile you can get your career destroyed for saying something as innocent and true as "black people killing other black people is an issue", or outing a closeted gay person (as Lance Bass and Perez Hilton have done many times) This isn't the 1990s anymore. The moral puritans with all the power are now exclusively on the liberal 2.0 side (with some leftists sympathizers too)

Exh wipmmmpopi future

I'm pretty firmly post neoliberal and leftist/left leaning in almost all respects I strategically support liberalizing trade at times, and as can be seen in my blogs, I have positive views towards welfare capitalism, I like the Fed and I am cautiously amenable to using the military (or more ideally MOOTW and violent non state actors) in a international policing role when by my standards serious violations of human rights have happened or are imminent, among other things.  But as can be seen throughout my blog, I am also turned off by idpol.  To be clear I have zero warmth towards the alt right---a term I suspect many people define differently ---  I consider myself pro trans-rights on liberal 1.0 values, meaning I believe that people should be allowed to do whatever they want and not be bullied or bothered, yet I diverge seriously from idpol in believing that gender is automatically/always or even vastly a social construct and orthogonal to sex I'm also very wary to skeptical o

My lfuturr ew iip post

Exh freeorieore

Regressive as in the regressive character of our modern society that is denounced when Western and Eastern ancient texts (in a way mentioned here , here , here , here , here , here , here ) in regards to property, achievements in warfare  jurisprudence-rules and regulations, rituals, a-temporal continuum, crafts-knacks, and pastime contests are extracted giving a clear picture of such regression (along with the regressiveness found after this time honored technique also probes modern society as a whole )

Exh hyhhj impercvppd

Colonialist discourse   This book talks about postcolonialism and the US intersecting and I echo it "Eric Cheyfitz's essay alerts us to the fact that Buell's analogy between the postcolonial United States and postcolonial Africa, in indigenizing the European immigrants, denies the previous and ongoing existence of indigenous cultures in America. Buell's Emersonian reading of Melville's writings, moreover (he reads Redburn as a mental act of decolonization from the cultural dominance of England), reduces Melville's transnational anti-imperialist vision to a tête-à-tête with the mother country and ignores the text's references to slavery, the middle passage, and Indian dispossession (Buell, "Melville"). And finally, his choice of contemporary African literature in constructing a transhistorical comparison with early America's struggle for cultural independence symptomatically effaces the historical importance of Africa and African people in the

Exh clasfreff

     This article   lists some benefits of class reductionism. I highlight things below I especially agree with The history of all hitherto existingsociety is the history of class struggles.  Karl Marx,  The Communist Manifesto   The charge of “class reductionism” shouldn’t faze us as socialists.  If to accept that the world’s great problems are ultimately matters of political economy to be solved through the development of proletarian politics if to be a Marxist, is to be a “class reductionist,” then we ought to embrace the charge as a badge of honor. It is unnecessary to suspend our historical materialism in favor of "identity politics" essentialism . We should uphold and develop our understanding of the problems of racial and ethnic bigotry as expressions of the grand problem of capitalism. We must defend the idea that these must ultimately be addressed, as all other component problems are, namely through class-based politics.  Those who throw the class reductionism label

Exh acggtgg

Exh Andrea Nagle

The alt-right and the culture wars From another wiki  Andrea Nagle's book Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right talks about the role of the internet in the rise of the alt-right and incel movements. She describes the alt-right as a counterculture of young men who reject taboos on race and gender. While numerous young people in the alt-right started merely as trolls, she says the movement has developed into something that is much more serious. While she rightfully supports idpol in general, she also says that some on the ‘radlib’ or synth left have contributed to the rise of the alt-right with their "performative wokeness", which commonly involves censoring people and ganging up on them. She has also spoke of her concerns about "the woke cultural revolution sweeping Irish society". Angela presents her work to try to map out the online culture wars that occurred in the early 2010s and how it led to the development