Exh relfreeddf
Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs : “The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike,” wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch for the majority. “... “America’s founding, [Gorsuch] said, was not indifferent to God but predicated “on the Protection of divine Providence.” It is a measure of America’s estrangement from its theistic founding that something as harmless as a post-game prayer could now generate a raging controversy.” Seeing the Anti Christian hate from the Liberal 2.0 state media makes me want to red pill. I seriously pissed, angry, depressed, over that anti christian propaganda they spewed over the correct decision by the Supreme court to rule in Coach Kennedy’s favor. Earth to fascist Anti Christian bigots, respect the Supreme Court decision. They proved that the constitution allows for what Coach Kennedy did . If you don’t like this Ke...