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Colonialist discourse  

This book talks about postcolonialism and the US intersecting and I echo it

"Eric Cheyfitz's essay alerts us to the fact that Buell's analogy between the postcolonial United States and postcolonial Africa, in indigenizing the European immigrants, denies the previous and ongoing existence of indigenous cultures in America. Buell's Emersonian reading of Melville's writings, moreover (he reads Redburn as a mental act of decolonization from the cultural dominance of England), reduces Melville's transnational anti-imperialist vision to a tête-à-tête with the mother country and ignores the text's references to slavery, the middle passage, and Indian dispossession (Buell, "Melville"). And finally, his choice of contemporary African literature in constructing a transhistorical comparison with early America's struggle for cultural independence symptomatically effaces the historical importance of Africa and African people in the constitution of early American society, culture, and literature (for a reading of the Africanist presence in Redburn, see Karcher).

In casting the postcoloniality of the United States in purely bilateral terms, Buell thus downplays his own insight, stated more [End Page 35] systematically by Peter Hulme, that the Early Republic, in combining a postrevolutionary political consciousness with a heightened effort to continue the European project of imperial expansion, was "postcolonial and colonizing..."

See here for more exerts which I further echo

The history of imperialism is complex. European imperialism from the 16th and 18th centuries in the Americas, the West Indies, etc was substantially different from that imperialism of the 19th and 20th centuries. Still, one of the core themes of postcolonial scholarship is the persistence of empire—and resistance to it—in human history.

Colonialism in the US was wrongly presented as "the extension of civilization," which wrongly ideologically justified the self-ascribed faux racial and cultural superiority of the Western world over the non-Western world like in the US. 

This deluded concept was espoused by bigots such as Ernest Renan in La Réforme intellectuelle et morale (1871), whereby imperial stewardship was wrongly and senselessly believed to affect the intellectual and moral reformation of the coloured peoples of was wrongly believed to be the lesser cultures of the world such as the Native Americans in the US

That to these bigots were such a 'divinely' established, natural 'harmony' amongst the human races of the world would be possible, since everyone was assigned cultural identity, a social place, and an economic role within an imperial colony. 

"The regeneration of the inferior or degenerate races, by the superior races is part of the providential order of things for humanity.... Regere imperio populos is our vocation. Pour forth this all-consuming activity onto countries, which, like China, are crying aloud for foreign conquest. Turn the adventurers who disturb European society into a ver sacrum, a horde like those of the Franks, the Lombards, or the Normans, and every man will be in his right role. Nature has made a race of workers, the Chinese race, who have wonderful manual dexterity, and almost no sense of honour; govern them with justice, levying from them, in return for the blessing of such a government, an ample allowance for the conquering race, and they will be satisfied; a race of tillers of the soil, the Negro; treat him with kindness and humanity, and all will be as it should; a race of masters and soldiers, the European race.... Let each do what he is made for, and all will be well."

— La Réforme intellectuelle et morale (1871), by Ernest Renan

From the mid- to the late-19th centuries, such racialist group-identity language was sadly the cultural common-currency trying to justify the geopolitical competition amongst the European and US empires and was used to protect their over-extended economies. 

This is what happened when Europeans colonized the US and was similar to the colonization of the Far East and in the late-19th century Scramble for Africa, the expose of a homogeneous European id was used by them to in their twisted ignorant minds to justify colonization. 

Colonialists from Belgium and Britain, and France and Germany proffered psuedo theories of make believe national superiority that they used to tried to justify colonialism as reigning in the light of civilization to what they falsely believed to be the unenlightened peoples in places like the US, but also in the other parts of the Americas, Africa, the Far East etc 

Like the racist organization la mission civilisatrice, the self-described 'civilizing mission' of the French Empire, put out their racist theory that some races and cultures have a 'higher 'purpose in life, whereby in their warped minds, the more connected and strong, the more developed, and more civilized races have the gaul to colonize other peoples, in service to the noble idea of "civilization" and its economic benefits.

Derek Gregory says that the long trajectory through history of British and American colonization is a continuing process still occurring today. 

In The Colonial Present, Gregory traces relations between the geopolitics of events happening in modern-day Afghanistan, Palestine, and Iraq and connects it back to the us-and-them binary relation between the Western and Eastern world. 

Gregory builds upon the ideas of the other and Edward Said's work on orientalism, Gregory critiques the economic policy, military complex, and transnational corporations as vehicles driving modern colonialism. Emphasizing ideas of talking about ideas around colonialism in the present tense, Gregory utilizes modern events like the September 11 attacks to tell spatial stories around the colonial behavior happening due to the War on Terror.


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