Issues q iwip futuurue

While I support colleges throwing conservative students involuntarily in interment camps for re education and I throw around this deradicalizing idea here, I do not support Jordan Peterson being re educated here nor do I support what they are doing to him being commonplace or mainstreamed

How lovely, re education camps. I remember the times when that concept was a conspiracy theory

Right wing conspiracy theories don't exist anymore.. They are only called "spoiler alert" now

Even though Justin Trudeau is above average, if he was put in the same shoes as Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping, there is a change he would be just as bad, if not worst than them.

I never admired this little slimeyness in the first place. But the Freedom Convoy incident, it showed me what he really is, and that is not good (though this might vindicate him) 

Someone losing their professional license due to them not espousing the politics of the party in charge is an indicator of fascism. Why is it always the liberal 2.0 practicing fascism yet yelling that it's the rightoids that does it?

Just read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for radicals”.

"The Rules Edit "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have." "Never go outside the expertise of your people." "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy." "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage." "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." "Keep the pressure on." "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. " "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative." "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative." "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

Canada is the new and improved North Korea, let's call Canada North West Korea or maybe Cuba with less ideal weather

We need people to go to Canada and give some of that freedom back they had during the convoy.

Some hard working Canadians lost love for their country. If Canadians are not a minority they get treated like a piggy bank by the government with no way to speak out. If they do, they can expect their career to be destroyed and their bank accounts frozen.

Didn't the naughtzies suppress people like they are doing to Jordan Peterson?

He should record the entire thing of his re education and then release it to the world.The best tool against a overbearing phony like Justin is the spotlight

It's the Gulag Archipelago 2.0 .Maybe Jordan Peterson planned this thing all along! Gotta love Jordan!

For whatever reason Jordan Peterson doesn't lose arguments too much if most of the time (though Slavoj Zizek cleaned his clock) Maybe the plan is to re-educate Jordan Peterson's camp organizer!

What in the 1984, Black Mirror heck is happening in Canada? It's just Wednesday (new normal) in Canada

Mandatory retraining is scary as it sounds

If this Canadian re education is something that really exists, then hopefully Jordan sees it as an opportunity to expose it to the public. Just like Elon Musk has been doing with Twitter, show the world the truth of the liberal 2.0-authoritarian insanity.

This is the reason that pro licensing is cringe

The Canadian medical system is chronically not funded enough and is understaffed. MAiD is just really cheaper than truly caring for the people.

If I were Jordan Peterson, I would tell them to pound sand and then sue over the license. 

He's successful enough as a public figure now and he doesn't need to have a regular job, right? Another option would be for him to attend the "reeducation camp," and as mentioned above, stealthy film it, and then expose their deformed variant of Stalinesque techniques so that other people can gird their loins

If I had to take a stab at which western country would introduce re-education camps first, I cannot say that I would have picked Canada.

My bet would have been on Australia personally, yet I’m not particularly shocked that Canada beat them to the punch 

We can call them "The Laurentian Elite". I think it's high time for Western Canada to give thought to splitting. psychologically against them (so to speak)

New Zealand and UK are just as bad too. They wrongly showed what tyrant pricks they are by arresting a guy for making an internet comment that somehow offended some snowflake online

I would have thought that Europe would have learned their lesson on fascist policies after dealing with the naughtizes but I guess these Eurotrash scum haven't learned their lesson

I’d love to read the training manual and to see the correspondence of that re education thing Jordan is being forced to do

Jordan Peterson may desire to learn why people don’t want to loose online anonymity for stuff like this. That’s why the Liberal 2.0 fascists want digital ID’s which we should oppose otherwise our society is doomed

I would be scared for kids having to be born in a world where Jordan Peterson has to go to a re education camp

This story about Jordan Peterson being re educated would be easier to take if it was from the Onion 

I pity the teacher who is chosen to “teach” Jordan Peterson anything. That’s like a 105 pound amateur boxer going up against Mike Tyson in his Mike's prime.

Remember when “doctors” performed lobotomies on “willfull” and “stubborn” people? This is eerily similar to that

Not enough people remember when 'doctors' use to do that stuff, or the doctors that larped for the tobacco money. Let’s keep bringing this up to people

What they are doing to Jordan Peterson is like in 1984 and it hurts to see this

They are doing fascism here in what they are doing to Jordan Peterson. It is just like in the UK where those fascists arrest an innocent silent Christian pro lifer who was peacefully praying to herself outside of an abortion clinic (see here)

Remember when the bojos called them Reeducation Camps? Pepperidge Farms sure remembers.

I don’t feel like enough attention is given to Canada. It is so clearly falling into FASCISM and the liberal 2.0ers are cheering it on! People who support ANTIFA and always warn about Donald Trump’s concentration camps (its that they do so in a woke way and sometimes go a bit too far with that) and calls everyone they disagree with a Nazi (which is almost as bad as Holo caust denial since both things downplay the Holo caust) is only doing this in Canada and everyone merely watches.

It’s amazing. It sucks monkey balls however. Canada is projected to become a powerhouse due to so much of the land they occupy and the Arctic opening up.

Same thing with Russia, but at least Russia has suicidal types of leaders and they have preemptively pretty much squandered a bright future for Russia.

Canada may end up becoming a fascist “liberal 2.0 faux socialist utopia” that really has an amazing revenue source and isn’t some pariah, all at the same time that they continue to euthanize undesirables and imprison or bankrupt people for disagreeing, verbally, with authoritarians.

New Age Concentration Camps not as so savage but makes the person more Compliant..YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND THINK ONLY APPROVED THOUGHTS

Canada has never been a free country. Seeing this Jordan Peterson re education thing means that he’s is saying base things!

Sounds like some person in Canada doesn’t like the alternative facts being passed out online

So comical how these wealthy jackas*es are capable of doing just anything they want—including censorship.


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