Exh fiooesgh

Everything changes (que David Bowie song Changes). 

Seeing things short term, you may believe that the way things are now is the way they will always be, but a look back through history will tell us that's not really the case. The world of the 1950s was vastly different from the world of the 1970s, which was vastly different from the world of the 1990s, which is different from the modern day.

Wokeism as an ideology has been growing for the last couple of decades, and has now substantially taken over the political Liberal landscape and the media (in the US., at least). But what is its future? Will it go on to become the mainstream ideology of the US. or of the west for decades to come?

Um, no, I don't think that is possible. Wokeism it is an ideology of self loathing. You can't have the main culture of a country be one of loathing itself, loathing the majority of its population, viewing itself as being uniquely sinful and horrible and worthy of annihilation. This situation cannot keep up for long.

Especially as wokeness has no endgame. It has no clear goals, but only practices. To be woke is like sitting in your SUV by the side of the street in a puddle of mud, spinning your tires and going nowhere. You spew mud everywhere and there's sound pollution and shaking and you think something must be occurring, but you are just stuck there

So I see two possible future outcomes of wokeism. The outcome one, the Liberal 2.0ers wake up and sees that wokeism as the poison that it is, condemns it and chucks it off and reclaims itself.

Or outcome two, (which is Are you Afraid of the Dark scary), the right wingers finally have enough of all of this and decides to flip the board over and shake things up radically. 

Donald Trump flirted with the possibility of this already, with the idea of him refusing to leave office and relinquish his juntaship. But Trump couldn't seek out any political allies to support him doing this. He sensed the mood of the right may have permitted it, but at the end of the day, he was just a narcissistic businessman, not really a fascist boogeyman, and wasn't the dude for that job.

I'm feeling that the right wing is incrementally moving towards this, towards trying some type of fascist takeover of the US. If these right wingers succeed, wokeism will be gone, as every person who was pushing it will be imprisoned (which is dumb because I want us to abolish prisons forever)

And a new American Liberal ideology will have the opportunity to regroup and mount a resistance, hopefully from a better place than the old American Liberal (2.0) ideology

But the toll to be paid for all this would be humongous. Is there any way the Liberal 2.0ers can dig its own way out of this, or will we have to wait for the right to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

The entire wokeness situation sort of reminds me of the 1980's 'morality and decency' campaigns. Once mainstream comedians start tearing into it, you will know it's done for.

But wokeness will return sometime, but wearing some new clothes. Hopefully it will be a bit less hateful.

Imho the idea that prime detractors of wokeness are on a ‘pipeline to the alt-right’ is simply a built in cope, just like the ‘right side of history’ rhetoric. But like it's true. You know the mentality, "Right wing good left wing bad" or vice versa. I mean remember when "Anti SJW compilation" were HUGE during early 45 junta years.

Everyone who disagrees with wokeness becomes ‘wrong’un-adjacent’, no matter if they are right themselves.

Honestly. The alt right is effectively largely irrelevant and even near dead in the water at this point. Who is the the favorite leader currently of an alt right group at this point? 

Nick Fuentes is involved in a semen hunting drama fest within his own little groyper side group. They are terminally on the internet though when it comes to numbers they are likely smaller then the also terminally on the internet tras. Thus they are more loud then anything. America First hasn’t effectively done anything other than likely being a honey pot for the feds like more than a few of his defectors have said

You’ll in all likelihood get some person in the future who will get popular, fleece his followers out of some money, and collapse into himself/herself.

I acknowledge that it is the reductive mentality, but I don’t see it bear fruit in a significant portion of the commentary - the majority of it is about how the American Left i.e Liberals 2.0 (Western, mostly US) are losing their senses, and letting the Rightoids be the only side offering solutions. It didn’t help when these tools were also keen to do free advertising and put forth the idea that the counterarguers have to be right wing by being opposed to them.

The entire thing resolves when you get the Jimmy Dore’s and Matt Taibbi’s coming forward and VALIDATING the Left-critique of this same stuff, exposing the battle lines for being cultural and not strictly political binary.

People mellow out as they get older and tune out of the more ridiculous dramatics. The compilations pointed out true attitude issues which apparently are precursors to a lot of the things we observe on left wing anti idpol forums today, however they were a fashion that has died down -and supplanted with articles about adverts, institutions and organizations doing alike things

The tenets of wokeness (the oppression hierarchy, the stand-point things, the rush to shut down debates, the primacy of not being "-phobic" or "-ist") provided the fuel for the discourses and practices pushing this blowback, notably the full lack of epistemic authority on the part of anyone to say no or deem anything within the woke prism as "problematic" (happy to deem all things outside the woke prism as problematic yet when its within the context of -rights or self-expression of a marginalized group it is sacrosanct) . 

For example: The majority of people, or a lot of people anyway, don't have many things to say about someone being trans, the default for a lot of people is "do your thing". 

But the expansion of trans identity following the "truscum versus transtrenders" gender war of the mid late 2010s resolved itself in the latter's favor, in part due to the growing use of non-binary, in part due to the outlook that anyone who says that they are trans is trans etc, to the point that personal writings where people said "I'm a male who dresses like a man and I have muscles and I identify as a woman and this is my idea of what womanhood is and I should be accepted like so, there's many other butch women who are like me, I only happen to have a male body" were applauded and it was made obvious this woman needs to be treated as such (later one up'd by a man who said he didn't feel like a woman inside, had not transitioned at all, would not be doing transitioning, but desired to disown manhood because yes all men so he's a woman). 

Most people that were exposed to this aren’t gonna be on board with these types of expansive concepts of gender identity, and when this is paired with demands for more access to sex-segregated spaces, people can't help themselves in connecting the dots ("Does this mean that a man can lie, claim that he's trans, change nothing, and still be accepted as a woman?" "Does this mean that a middle school student who wears a pink bracelet to school some days to be a girl, a blue bracelet to be a boy other days, and purple when non-binary is going to be taken seriously").

Similarly, the big increase in children seeking trans healthcare and adopting trans identities is one thing, but when debates are publicly made that anything other than affirmation and letting the child with parental permission (or without in Oregon for 15 and up) decide which treatments are the best for them (which includes surgeries such as double mastectomies and bilateral orchiectomies, or the "Dutch Protocol" which if begun before or during Tanner Stage 1 and followed along to hormones equals no puberty and thus no mature genitals, sex function or viable gametes as adults), people are gonna want to have a conversation. 

If people are being told that the conversation is too harmful to be taken up, that children choose their medical treatments and if not they commit suicide, that we actually don't have any long term data on the effects of this or that we do have said data and that it's all reversible or that really it's correct but who gives a damn because they will be trans adults , so one way or the other their sex function and fertility will be effected and surgeries might occur, they are gonna to be resentful, some of them are gonna get suspicious (I believe the "groomer" stuff is repugnant and hateful, though when you got teachers communicating that they want their students to question their gender, people are gonna be revolted and then will become primed for bad actors to come in and say "yep, and why are they attempting to 'recruit' children, what's their aim, how is this any different to a predator yatayatayata'). 

It's wokeness that makes the debate to play out this way possible. No person can touch this controversial topic without risking their reputation or job on the Liberal 2.0/Centre or Left, the Society of Endocrinologists where a slight change to insuline protocols plays out over months of heated debate and loads of studies adopt a new protocol on youth gender medicine without dissent or conversation and all people quietly gives in without ever questioning it, etc. 

And thus the only people with public pulpits to question this or to provide anything other than platitudes and whitewashing on this topic are right wingers who want others to think "trans=left=crazy/dangerous=buyForexandsubscribetomychannel".

The people that are now are affirming otherkin identities on the basis that these identities are a spiritual identity and it's only about being respectful will in a few years be arguing that society wide recognition is needed to save lives. It just never ends, and no one appears to think twice when we reach a new milestone. 

These are pretty much disparate threads I've sown together but it's the precepts of what we call "wokeness" that permits these ideas to reach almost-consensus level on many parts of the "Liberal 2.0" and then when they enter into the general public realm people on the Liberal 2.0 side are authentically puzzled as to why any person would dare have any questions or concerns, they close off their brain and start screaming about saving lives and danger and prejudice (and by then could lean on credentialed experts and respectable thinkers to allege authority for these claims) and aghast that the meanie Right-wing is blowing it out of proportion and attempting to increase the level of anger and fear-mongering.

I think I'll refer to this article.

The indications that gender dysphoria are a social contagion with teen girls(it's in said article, up 5000 percent in the last decade), we will see a big backlash once the amount of detransitioning ftm girls reaches critical mass. Because seemingly there's a push towards affirmation over therapy for better or worse. Picture the public and political outrage when we get to the point where thousands of detrans girls who became sterile and had their tits removed begin to speak up about it. It'll be a total fire storm.

The self-hate of wokeness has major legs. Catholicism had quite a run too.

Like all things, wokeness began with good intentions and fastly was co-opted by grifters and fraudsters trying to cash in on idpol, whether through Rachel Dolezal-style social climbing or social media "influencers" nurturing a brand built around seeking out and pointing out more and more minor micro aggressions for the outrage of their stans.

It'll blow up on itself in the next few years or so. I'm positive many of those Woke Karen social media groups are already cannibalizing themselves with some infighting. Many currently-trans(trender) people will begin walking it back and tapering off the HRT when the blanket, overall accepting peer group withers away and people begin asking each other the tough questions that they're currently not allowed to ask in the social climate.

And then it'll go dark. All of the influencers will move on to whatever the next social justice cause du jour is. There is a good chance we will see a wave of autism fetishization next and all of these same people switching from "supposedly non-binary" to "self-diagnosed autist" for yet another round of Oppression Olympics.


Some woke apologists say that the goal of "wokeism" is the total liberation of the self from all forms of oppression. They say that this manifests in opposing every form of social hierarchy but also every force of discrimination that comes from nature. It's to make you like a Evan Almighty in our own universe where all things must be built around you and your perception of what is oppressing or subjugating you, up to and including your biology. 

This is the reason these apologists say that transgenderism is the most sacred of the letters within the LGBT+ acronym, it's the one letter that promises a type of bodily ascension - transubstantiation.

Given this, the woke apologists go on to say that transhumanism is where it goes. I mean it's literally at that point in the name already - "trans". This definition of the fusion of human consciousness with machine. The blurring of the organic sphere and digital sphere. Its no coincidence that the The Wachowskis (who wrote the Matrix) changed from brothers to "sisters".(I support Transhumanism btw so this is refreshing force to hear and is a radiant silver lining in wokeness)

The digital realm permits the answer to questions about capitalism being based on endless growth. You can have your Metaverse "house" that always will go up in value, your M Zuckercoins that mean that you wont have to concern yourself with inflation, you can legit be your "gender identity".

Advances in tech like Neuralink, VR, machine generated images / stories etc are ultimately going to lead to people for all intents and purposes entering a parallel digital world. Heck that's what "trans stuff" largely is now, there's a reason that it's so extremely overrepresented among low social status men obsessed with tech, anime etc who are constant fixtures on Discord servers.

But why is transracialism wrongly not accepted by the woke crowd? Rachel Dolezal rightfully felt that she was a black woman, and there have been multiple other scenarios that made the news of people (mostly women) that were white but had reimagined themselves as Indigenous.

This is utterly and sadly rejected by the woke crowd, since they frame it as "cultural appropriation". Along with the dominant group doing pretty much anything built by or connected to the "oppressed" group.

The book "Woke Racism" views wokeness as a religion, and this is not unreasonable. It views the "oppressor" groups as being permanently tainted by original sin. I don't believe that the woke crowd want liberation for anyone, I believe they want to denounce oppressors and to have virtuous victims to lament over forever.

The most "powerful" thing on Earth, to the woke crowd, is an oppressed person loudly speaking about how oppressed they are. This isn’t some ideology that values liberation for anyone, it's an ideology that desires things to stay precisely as they are so they can keep denouncing, cancelling and forcing apologies

I feel this is a consequence of wokeism merely not having a lot of rigorous rationale and subsequently falling into contradictions from the various needs and wants of the various groups that it claims that it wants to help. Another notable contradiction of this kind has been observed between women and trans, where the existence of female-only no-penis spaces are either viewed as being useful or bigoted (the latter appears to have come out on top in this one).

This is the type of thing which occurs if your movement is constructed on the belief that you're not truly an ideology, but instead just people who have "empathy" or who meet the bare minimum standard for a human etc. 

Once you find yourself more than knee deep, all the pleasant-looking facade falls away to reveal the total lack of structure or scaffolding giving support, and the individual parts begin to collapse in on themselves. It's clearly exacerbated by the truth that wokism also rejects stuff like logic, reasoning, and empirical evidence as being tools created by cisgender straight white men for the intent of oppression. On the one hand, this gives wokes the ability to ignore these contradictions for a bit, but on the other hand, it lets such contradictions fester.

It would be base to upload my consciousness into a ghoul in the shell style android body that would be neat as f. Or have cybernetic hearing that can never have hearing loss, or seeing that can see things no eye can

stop and think wokeness


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