Exh relfreeddf

Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs:

“The Constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and nonreligious views alike,” wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch for the majority. “...

“America’s founding, [Gorsuch] said, was not indifferent to God but predicated “on the Protection of divine Providence.” It is a measure of America’s estrangement from its theistic founding that something as harmless as a post-game prayer could now generate a raging controversy.”

Seeing the Anti Christian hate from the Liberal 2.0 state media makes me want to red pill. I seriously pissed, angry, depressed, over that anti christian propaganda they spewed over the correct decision by the Supreme court to rule in Coach Kennedy’s favor. 

Earth to fascist Anti Christian bigots, respect the Supreme Court decision. They proved that the constitution allows for what Coach Kennedy did . If you don’t like this Kennedy v Bremerton decision, then move to China, Iran, France, Japan . Don’t infest our beautiful country with your hate, bigotry and stupidity you sick troll loser filth

If anti Christian Liberal 2.0ers are really trying to make the claim that they feel threatened by someone else saying a prayer to themself while they might be looking on, those snowflakes are gonna need a bigger Safe Space

Any so called Christian churches that opposed the pro Coach Kennedy supreme court ruling are counterfeit pagan baal infested Christian churches

It appears the ADL was against this decision from an Anti Christian perspective. ADL is anti Palestinian , and they want to take away Palestinians rights to practice non Jewish religions by stealing Palestinian land, so the ADL are hypocrite trolls on religious freedom. 

The ADL themselves are Islamaphobic and racist and are rightfully being called out by their Liberal 2.0 allyships like at Cal Berkeley for the ADL being racist and bigoted towards Palestinians and Israeli migrants. The ADL wonders why Christians wrongly believe that Jews are Anti Christian, well it is stuff like the ADL opposing a Christian coach’s right to pray to himself where he wanted to after a game that fuels such contempt and hateful sentiment by some Christians toward Jews

Shame on the ADL for opposing religious freedom. Coach Kennedy won the rights of all religions, including Judaidm to be more open about their faith (which to many of them is who they are and is inseparable from them). The ADL ants Israel to be a Jewish state but they don’t want Christian coaches to be able to do a quick prayer to himself  of gratitude after a football game on a field ? HYPOCRITES . The ADL needs to be called out for such hypocrisy 

The NEA are the ultimate partisan hypocrites who exist to only help Liberal 2.0 causes and to trash non Liberal 2.0 causes . The NEA are against a Coach praying to himself after a game on a field but go nuts to the point of getting the patriot act involved, when parents try to ‘censor’ LGBTQ ideology , wokeness and CRT/1619 project in school. Anyone who doesn’t see how hypocritical, pathetic and maddening the NEA’s actions are in trying to silence Coach Kennedy after doing the exact opposite for LGBTQ things, wokeness and CRT/1619 studies , is a foolish, lame Liberal 2.0 , anti Christian cultist. I have three words for such cultists ‘FUCK YOU TROLLS’ 

I believe people of all religions and irreligions (except Satanism) should be able to openly show their faith or anti faith like Coach Kennedy did with his team.  As long as they aren’t trying to use their position to force others to do so is fine. Enough with these punitive anti religious nonsense

Ron Paul “In case after case, the Supreme Court has used the infamous 'separation of church and state' metaphor to uphold court decisions that allow the federal government to intrude upon and deprive citizens of their religious liberty." Our founding fathers would have supported Coach Kennedy’s right to pray in the field. Freedom of religion means freedom of religion

The Liberal 2.0 machine are WRONG to gang up on Coach Kennedy and to overtly criticize/rip into this supreme court decision to support Coach Kennedy’s right to pray and to smear religious freedom. As usual these trolls used strawman, hyperbole and loaded language to insult, attack defame, dehumanize and smear not just Coach Kennedy but Christianity and religion as a whole. Shame shame SHAME, shame on them

They should have used nuance, balance and compassion for Christianity in reporting this decision as it is a delicate issue (as religion is), but instead due to their partisan and Anti Christian nature, they attacked , defamed and dehumanized Christianity, and Christians and they are horrible and divisive for doing so. They enflamed this issue and caused people to hate Christians and Christianity. 

Those Liberal 2.0 outlets want to cause division in this country and I won’t let them get away with that anymore 

In particular SI, Freedom from religion foundation (Rachel Laser who hates every religion and hates religious people), Slate (an anti feminism website filled with soyboy cucks), Washington Post (shocker, showing their Liberal 2.0 partisan colors), The Nation , Vox , flaglerlive etc)

If Coach Kennedy was Jewish or Muslim , and did a Jewish prayer or Muslim prayer on the middle of the field by himself after a game ,and this story played out the same, none of these Liberal 2.0 rag outlets would have overtly criticized /ripped into this decision or him praying on the field and they certainly wouldn’t have smeared Muslims and Jews who support such religious freedom with false , hateful, divisive enflamming and hyperbolic strawman labels like ‘far right’, or ‘far right Jewish extremists’ or ‘far right Muslim extremists’ or ‘exclusionary’ or a ‘threat to democracy’ 

Can you imagine if that filthy liberal extremist rag SI and that reactionary troll Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter) had said that a Muslim coach doing a Muslim prayer on the middle of the field by himself after a game and support and freedom for such an act is a ‘threat to democracy’? 

Can you imagine if anti religion activist Rachel Laser had said that Muslim people who support a Muslim coach doing a Jewish prayer on the middle of the field by himself after a game and the support and freedom for such an act is ‘far right Muslim extremism’?

SI , Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter who said such a thing), and Rachel Laser (bless their hearts) would have rightfully been called out by every MSM outlet and the ADL for being Islamaphobic, hateful, intolerant, xenophobic and divisive. 

Furthermore, in that above hypothetical situation, SI , Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter who said such a thing) and anti religion activist Rachel Laser would rightfully have been   would have been rightfully called out for being Islamaphobic , hateful, intolerant and divisive by every MSM outlet and by tons of Muslim and even non Muslim athletes like Lebron (The Warriors favorite opponent and the dad of that future NBA megastar Bronnie), Enes Kantner, and politicians Ihlan Omar, Keith Ellison, AOC (if you’re reading this Allie, from the state that your parents moved to to escape NY’s harsh bourgeois taxes [Florida] ‘hi’), Beto (perennial political election loser and Liberal 2.0 hearththrob) , Gavin Newsom, Eric Adams, Charles Schumer (the cousin of the much more talented and cooler Amy Schumer) etc and celebrities like meathead (North director, and has been Rob Reiner), Dave Bautista (John Cena wannabe and the forth most famous member of the Dudley Boyz after Spike), etc 

Can you imagine if SI and Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter) had said that a Jewish coach doing a Jewish prayer on the middle of the field by himself after a game and the support and freedom for such an act is a ‘threat to democracy’? 

Can you imagine if anti religion activist Rachel Laser had said that Jewish people who support a Jewish coach doing a Jewish prayer on the middle of the field by himself after a game and the support and freedom for such an act is ‘far right Jewish extremism’?

SI , Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter who said such a thing), and Rachel Laser (bless their hearts) would have rightfully been called out by every MSM outlet and the ADL for being antisemetic, hateful, intolerant and divisive. 

The ADL alone would have went insane over such a statement by SI and Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter if they said such a thing), and Rachel Laser and would have called SI, Gregg Bishop and Rachel Laser to be cancelled 

Furthermore, in that above hypothetical situation, SI , Gregg Bishop (or any ‘media’ outlet and reporter for that matter who said such a thing) and anti religion activist Rachel Laser would rightfully have been  called out by tons of Jewish and even non Jewish athletes like Lebron James  ,politicians like Cory Booker, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton (Russia ocd obsessed extreme bourgeois politician , creator of the racist and xenophobic birther myth and, globalist, imperialist who along with that Anti religious freedom rag Washington Post lead the Anti Bernie , ANTI PROGRESSIVE crusade in 2016 destroying Bernie’s career and vision  including by her pretending she was left of Bernie (even though outside of feminism, and rate and select social issues Hillary which she is novelly left of center on,  is a right wing chud who hates Socialism) to coerce trick gullible and naïve young Bernie supporters into voting for her) ,Ron Desantis, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi (one of my fans from California/DC), Chris Christie (that reactionary chud who shut down beaches so he and his and his cultist family and friends could get LBI for themselves and who shut down the fucking George Washington bridge out of spite to hurt innocent people over a mayor having the audacity to rightfully endorse someone else), Michael Chertoff (some fascist Neocon imperialist warmonger troll who has done nothing of substance in his 69 years on Earth), George Dubya Bush (MAGA enabling warmonger , colonialist, imperialist neofascist edgy contrarian kid), Christopher Cuomo (Andrew Cuomo’s brother and the crazy guy on camera who whined like a lil bitch for being called a term that may or may not be racist or even offensive. Trust me it DEEPLY pains me to have to be charitable toward Cuomo by pretending that those fredo comments toward him might be racist or even offensive), celebrities like David Schwimmer (that geeky guy who harassed his ex for finding someone better than him and who was that dimosaur fetishizing character on Tv in the age of that consumerist garbage Jurassic Park , Ross from Friends), George C looney (that rude and bourgeois actor who was a regular on the Facts of Life and Roseanne and who got his ass kicked by his ex wife’s alpha husband in Oh Where Brother Art Thou), Sarah Silverman (Mary’s annoying and clingy friend in TSAM who sung like cr*p and who also was a psycho stalker on some Monk episode), Sasha Baron Cohen (unfunny troll and terrible actor), meathead (North director and has been Rob Reiner), Joy Behar ,Georgie Takei, Seth Rogan (the OTHER Rogan) Bill Maher, Kourtney, Chloe, Kylie, Kendall Kimberly Kardashian (a middle aged diva who got famous because of a freaking sex tape and for being famous for that sex tape), Larry David (absolutely UNFUNNY crypto bitcoin radical cheerleader [if I ever saw Larry David dressed as a cheerleader I would literally puke so much, I would cause my rv park to literally become flooded and maybe even evacuated due to said flooding] who literally plays himself on Curb your Enthuasim, and who created a bigoted hatefest, pointless show called Seinfeld filled with selfish and insufferable fools like David himself when I was about 10 that people were brainwashed to watch by consumerist spooks), 

I know this, the anti Christian media know this and anyone with a pulse who reads the Christphobic nonsense on the Coach Kennedy case by the anti christian media knows this. You would have to be a literal vegetable to not know this

In fact they would have rightfully smeared anyone who disagreed with this decision or Kennedy praying on the field as ‘antisemetic’, or ‘Islamaphobic’ .

What a bunch of hypocritical dog puke and animals those anti Christian Liberal 2.0 outlets are for criticizing this decision and Christians/Christianity the way they did

I am glad that Jewish MLB superstar Sandy Kaufax rightfully took off on the Sabbath and Mitt Romney is open about his Mormonism. I support female Muslim athletes and coaches wearing hijabs, burqas and burkinis while playing, Freedom means freedom. 

SI and their senseless anti Christian bigot troll writer of theirs Greg Bishop should and WILL retract, take back and apologize for their Anti Christian hit piece on this decision and Coach Kennedy . I will hound them non stop online and on the phone until they give in. I won’t stop

The SI piece on the decision might have had defensible or halfway decent reporting ,but the framing— tweet, headline, first two sections—is reckless and evil and must be condemned as loud as possible by literally everyone  .(like an ice bucket challenge 2.0 thing).

With *real* threats to democracy proliferating, reporters/editors have a responsibility to reject hyperbole and treat with nuance cases where people of good faith can disagree

SI is a threat to religious freedom for that smear. I am going to SI Hq next year and I swear to God I am going to force Greg Bishop and SI to retract that Anti Christ smear piece. 

SI is intolerant and fascist for that piece. Reactionary liberal 1.0 commentator Ben Shapiro is correct here (broken clock). The vast majority of Americans and Canadians support or are apolitical/mixed/neutral on this supreme court decision that ruled in Coach Kennedy’s favor 

SI is anti Christian for that anti Christian hit piece on Coach Kennedy . So now it seems that Liberal 2.0er creeper reactionary freaks like SI and Gregg Bishop are going to label any non Liberals idea (like Christians praying alone on a field after a game to themselves in public) as a ‘threat to democracy’. 

What a bunch of biased, mislead Liberal 2.0 dilweeds. Of course they are 10000 percent wrong on the threat to democracy thing here and they should be forced to retract and apologize for such horrible comparisons


Only lame soyboy Christphobic fake news columnist Greg Bishop would believe such utter braindead insanity and extremely mind blowing psychotic nonsense like allowing a Coach to pray to themself on a field after a game is a threat to democracy

Christianity and praying privately on a football field by yourself is not a threat to democracy. Christianity is a peaceful religion.No religions except Satanism are a threat to democracy. These Liberal 2.0 idiots are attacking Christianity just for existing, 

When they shut churches down due to the pandemic, I bit my tongue (I will no longer be able to taste food or any thing ever again due to that tongue biting I did over that. Of course my tongue is basically a stub that has more holes than Donut Plains 1 in Super Mario Kart now), but now I refuse to do so (and not because my tongue is a stub from all that tongue biting). These Anti Christian bigots want to go beyond temporarily shutting down churches due to health hazards to actually being against Christians praying to themselves after a game in public on a field. Fuck that sh*t

It seems there really is a Christianphobic thing happening in this country where these anti Christian, Anti Muslim, Anti Jewish etc snowflake karens like Gregg Bishop, Slate, Rachel Laser, Washington Post, flaglerlive etc (bless their hearts) wrongly. and irrationally think hearing any religious thing in a public setting is the new ‘coodies’ .GTFOUH with that sh*t. You naive dum dums. 

Your parents raised you wrong in some disgusting, and abusive new age Marxist nonsense and I will destroy that new age Marxist nonsense no matter what (death before dishonor)

They seem to want Christianity destroyed. They are wrongly and repugnantly saying that even the act of a coach praying by himself in public instead of in a janitor closet after a game is extremism. They want people to hide an important part of their lives (being religious). This is the opposite of religious freedom and against what our country was founded on

In Europe the Islamaphobes have already destroyed Islam and now these losers in the US are one upping Euro Islamaphobes by doing so to Christianity. 

The BDS is doing the same thing to Jews too. This Anti Christian hate by Liberal 2.0 losers makes me sympathize with Christian Nationalists who want to build a parallel Christian society. This way they won’t be harassed and demonized for dearing to not hide their faith in public because some idiot freaks stupidly and foolishly think people praying by themselves on a field somehow is a jedi mind trick to create a 21st century Christian crusade on non Christians. 

That is what the predictable and non sensical Liberal 2.0 reactionary reaction to this pro religious freedom court decision feels like

If ‘democracy’ means that people of any religion can’t pray like Coach Kennedy did, then I WANT THAT ‘DEMOCRACY’ TO BE DESTROYED. That type of ‘democracy’ is fascist and a threat to freedom. Religious people have a right to not hide their faith. 

See more of my thoughts on democracy here and here. Now that Liberal 2.0ers are using democracy as a weapon to say any view they disagree with is a threat to it  ,maybe we need to destroy democracy to stop this. Because that type of democracy is fascism with Liberal 2.0 aesthetics (of course Liberalism 2.0 is basically the same as fascism anyway)

Though this article here does provide good ‘CNN crossfire type counter arguments’ to my criticism of the ‘threat to democracy’ rhetoric spewed a few Liberal 2.0ers on the Kennedy v Bremerton decision. 

The Christian hating Washington Post editorial board hacks who have tried to destroy Bernie Sanders political career on filthy rich aristocratic bourgeois billionaire Jeff Bezos, were wrong to oppose this decision in Coach Kennedy’s favor and I will be at Washington Post HQ next year to force them to retract that editorial. 

The Washington Post should have been neutral in this Coach Kennedy decision and we need to push back at the Washington Post for this very hard. At worst they should have called and reported this pro Coach Kennedy decision supremely questionable . 

From the Social fascist Liberal 2.0 retards at Slate wrongly and falsely calling wanting to pray privately on the field ‘far right’ and Liberal 2.0 Islamaphobic, antisemetic,  Anti Christian zealot Rachel Laser of FRRF WRONGLY and FALSELY calling people like ME who support this Supreme Court decision for religious freedom and Coach Kennedy’s right to pray on the field by himself ‘far right Christian extremists’ (though she is forced to feel that way but still), it appears the word far right has lost all meaning. When even Peter Thiel and Rand Paul along with being against abortion after 14 weeks is wrongly seen as ‘far right’, this becomes crystal clear

If people like me supporting this supreme court decision for religious freedom. and Coach Kennedy’s right to pray where he wants after his stupid football game was over makes me far right than I am honored to be far right and I wear the far right badge with honor. But then if I wear this far right badge on honor, on numerous occasions in the future, I will oscillate between being ‘far right’ and being a NOH8 Campaign SJW progressive (frequently changing my political ideology /this italic statement is wrapped in layers of irony and post irony). Being far right is so BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what if sane people like me supporting that type of religious freedom is far right. If its far right that is proof that not all far right views are bad since supporting religious freedom and the right for religious people not to have their religion closeted is a good view to have .But its not far right and there is no proof it is far right. 

One reason is because the vast majority of Center right and non far right , right wingers in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, UK support or are mixed/neutral on this supreme court decision that ruled in Coach Kennedy’s favor. 

So I guess this would mean Coach Kennedy supporters like Mitt Romney, Larry Hogan, Carly Fiorina, Liz Truss, Macron, Scott Morrison, Malcolm Turnbull, Charlie Sheen,  Cornell West, Val Demmings ,Lisa Murkowski, and the rest of the Republicans and conservatives in the US are ‘far right’for supporting this pro religious freedom decision

Rachel Laser and Slate are nazis and Benito Mussolini bootlickers for downplaying and watering down true far right things like Nazism, Fascism by them wrongly and falsely saying smearing Christians who pray like Coach Kennedy did as far right. 

“ Historians have a word for the people who went along with the Nazis (which includes doing things like like Rachel Laser and Slate did in downplaying Nazism and Fascism in using the word far right to attack , smear and dehumanize Christians) . That's "Nazi". Or, sadly, "Victim of the Nazis". Als sie die Juden holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Jude”. So until Rachel Laser and Slate retract their false and repugnant smears of  Christians who support religious freedom as far right, Laser and Slate are effectively Nazis and should be treated like Nazis .  

So in attacking Coach Kennedy and people like me rightfully supporting religious peoples of all religions and irreligions right and freedom to pray in public privately to themselves like Coach Kennedy did, you hear the same LIBERAL 2.0  NEWSPEAK brainwashing, propagandizing words (like George Orwell wrote about) we’ve hurled at for years, which includes their faborite tone deaf LOADED buzzwords like ‘inclusion’ (NEWSFLASH ACLU AND FLAGLERLIVE, ALLOWING RELIGIOUS PEOPLE OF ALL RELIGIONS TO PRAY IN PUBLIC LIKE COACH KENNEDY DID IS INCLUSIVE, TO DISALLOW SUCH FREEDOM TO PRAY IS EXCLUSION. 

These virtual signaling spooks don’t give a fuck about inclusion), ‘threat to democracy’ (see above), ‘far right’ (see below). I dare them to label me with those words. I will wear those words with pride and a badge of honor. I am LGBTQ, ethnically and culturally Jewish, with some Asian ancestry and I also have Asperger’s, so if those fascist media outlets smear me I will file discrimination lawsuits in federal court against them and their media companies

If supporting a religous person praying to themselves in public like Coach Kennedy did is exclusionary, or Christian extremist then paint me as exclusionary and a Christian extremist. I guess that would mean exclusion and Christian extremism both have one redeeming quality each.

Liberal 2.0 trolls like SI and Gregg Bishop, Slate, Rachel Laser, flaglerlive etc (bless their hearts) smear and attack anyone they don’t agree with with harmful names like ‘far right’, ‘extremist’ (these Lieberal 2.0 trolls would have called the abolishionists of the 19th century extreme if they lived back then), ‘exclusionary’ etc. 

If people like me have the audacity to think for ourselves and to see an issue in a way not approved by Liberal 2.0 trolls and Lieberal 2.0ers can’t act like normal people in covering our such differing views and or win debates with us  on those views, they then insult, slander and smear such people like me because its easier to do that for these immature bourgeois hypocrite cuck millennial and Gen Z losers than to use nuance, compassion, sensitivity, persuasion, and fairness in covering and responding to such things .


Those twisted, foolish and divisive and enflaming attacks by those intolerant, exclusionary, anti christian and anti religious freedom fash like Slate, Rachel Laser, The Nation, flaglerlive, ACLU and Washington Post (bless their hearts) are strawmen, hyberbole and loaded wordplay, and without the NEEDED nuance, compassion and balance that this issue deserves, so they displayed their typical Liberal 2.0 idiocy in spades

No one is coercing or forcing players to pray with Coach Kennedy just like no one forces Muslim women to wear hijabs, burkinis or burqas.

As they do with the Islamaphobic anti Muslim dress laws in Europe and Anti Christian blowback here with Coach Kennedy , Liberal 2.0 retards use coercion as an excuse for anti religion hate and bigotry and to stifle religious freedom and this needs to end. Freedom of association, freedom means freedom  . Jewish coaches, Muslim coaches, etc can also do what Coach Kennedy did. 

I understand the coercion counterpoint but I don’t see it. There is no smoking gun evidence he was coercing his players to pray. And on the slim oft chance he was, the players should have privately recorded the coercion to prove there was coercion and to stop the coercion instead of making wild innuendos

This article here does cool off my madness on the blowback to this Kennedy v Brenerton decision. It makes a lot of fair points about how Coach Kennedy played the innocent victim, how he tried to push the envelope further to see how far he could go and how he originally was allowed to pray by himself during games and he did in good faith, but he abused that and his actions since the mid 2010s like praying midfield right after the last whistle were in bad faith 

Yet due to the strawman, defaming hyperbole, name calling by the Liberal 2.0ers and their political machine (including using loaded and extremely exaggerated smear labels like far right, threat to democracy, fascist/christofascist, exclusionary etc), those fair article points above are only cooling me off not curing my madness about this 

Coach Kennedy has a right to pray by himself even if his motives for doing so are to make a spectacle and draw attention to himself. Freedom means freedom and doesn’t discern motives

Fuck the Liberal 2.0 media with their constant hatred of anything Christian or white. Fuck them and the jackass horse they rode in on. I am losing patience with them, just leave Christians alone you hateful fascist reactionary Christphobic bullies

No one is forcing any one to do anything you liars. The whole coercion nonsense Liberal 2.0 trolls throw out is liberal 2.0 propaganda to create an excuse to restrict religious freedom. Its the same rhetoric the Islamaphobes use to try to ban Muslim women from wearing burqas, burkinis and hijabs. Freedom means freedom. Coach Kennedy was praying, not using telepathy or brainwashing to get his players to pray.

They are telling religious people to hide their faith, and to thus hide a part of themselves and that is wrong and repugnant.

The only rationale is they somehow link the Coach Kennedy case with Roe being overturned, which is just  strawmanning. Praying in public has no impact on womens abortion rights being stripped from them. Many religions are pro choice, btw. In Texas Satanists did public satanic prayers to fight against Texas’s pro life laws so if anything public prayer can be used by Liberal 2.0ers and Leftists for their causes

I cannot side with dolts who call a Coach praying to himself on a field after a game a ‘threat to democracy’ or ‘far right Christian extremism’ or ‘exclusion’ . I refuse to be associated with such hyperbolic, strawman, brain dead, stupid fol,ush, irrational horsesh*t toxic , enflammimg, divisive views by being on their side of this issue. If anything it makes me passionately and loudly support this pro Coach Kennedy SOTUS decision 

Christianity is dying , we might as well pull the plug on it. Death before dishonor. Persecution of Christians and Christianity is as old as Christianity itself. Whether it is the Pharisees and Saducees, Romans, ISIS and anti christian fascist bigots like SI, Gregg Bishop, Slate, flaglerlive, ACLU, Rachel Laser (bless their hearts) smearing defaming dehumanizing, and gating on Christians and Christianity, this hatred keeps rearing its ugly heads  

A foul spirit has hardened the hearts of Liberal 2.0 bigots below who trashed this pro religious freedom decision. 

The ACLU, Flaglerlive, SI and fake news writer Gregg Bishop,  Rachel Laser, Slate (bless their hearts) etc say now that even the most basic and inoffensive act, praying, like praying on the field in solitude is seen as not only wrong but some kind of great injustice or evil. Fuck those losers for thinking that

Just wait, Christianity will be banned forever soon, and these anti christian reject losers will have to find a new group of people to kick around 

You don’t demonize Christians (and Christianity as a whole) with such evil, rotten and dehumanizing and enflamming/divisive smears and attacks for praying by themselves after a game and come back from that and pretend to be tolerant of Christianity. There will be consequences against these anti Christian bigots like SI, Greg Bishop, FFRF, Slate, Washington Post, flaglerlive and I am more than fine with that karma that comes boomerang backs to those bourgeois fascist loser pigs . Every dog has its day

These Liberal 2.0 retards (bless their hearts) let the cat out of the bag and took the mask off and exposed themselves as intolerant, fascist, Anti Christian hatemongers by hating and attacking Christians and Christianity in their coverage of this ruling and I know for a fact that they will pay for this and I pray to the universe they pay for it

Christianity had more of a home in Soddom and Ghamora than it does in society today. 

Our country should never be a Christian country or endorse any religion, but for Slate, SI, Gregg Bishop, Rachel Laser, flaglerlive and similar Liberal 2.0 anti religious freedom trolls (bless their hearts) to bash , hate on , dehumanize, delegitimize, lie, strawman, hyperbole , and smear Christianity and Christians over and over with as much vitriol as they do as seen in their evil reactions to this case on Coach Kennedy alone makes me realize that they don’t want Christianity to exist and that they want it abolished. 

If these fascists want Christians to keep their faith in the closet or at church, where they cannot even pray on a fucking football field after a game (with the stadium clearing out mind you) by themselves when coaches and athletes are rightfully allowed to kneel for political reasons, then Christianity cannot exist because it cannot and should not have to lower itself to please pagan, anti christian bigots . 

Christians serve God first, not Liberal 2.0 hypocritical trolls .If these snowflake karens are triggered in their small ignorant brainwashed minds at a coach praying on the field by himself after a stupid football game , then our society is desc and I lost faith in humanity. 

These Liberal 2.0 monsters who trashed Coach Kennedy and the supreme court decision in his favor are the REAL THREATS TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and I they will pay one day for this

They don’t respect Christians, Muslims, Jews or religious freedom and after Christianity, these losers will eventually come for Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc

The supreme court ruled in favor of ALL RELIGIONS not just Christianity you Liberal 2.0 fascist reactionary bigots.  

I may not care for Joe Biden ,but I won’t criticize him for using his Catholicism to play a part in his Presidency, even if it is to implement Liberal 2.0 policies I am no radical cheerleader for (like equity policies instead instead of equality policies)

Seeing the harsh, evil, senseless, disgusting and inhumane Anti Christian hate from these Liberal 2.0 Christianphobes in the media makes me realize that Christianity is under attack.The Anti Christian hate from Liberal 2.0 tards to this pro Coach Kennedy supreme court decision alone pushes Christians to be Christian Nationalists and Christian fascists

Athletes and politicians taking a knee or turning away from the American flag during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality is fine and dandy (which such acts should be because why not?), but a Christian coach or player taking a knee on the field by himself to praise God after a game is extreme? Bad? Intolerant? WTF. It is ok for gays to use kink in public but not for a religious person to pray by themself wherever they want to pray? FASCIST LIBERAL 2.0 HYPOCRISY 


Taking a knee (or turning away from the American flag during the national anthem) to protest racial injustices and police being militaristic is just as equally acceptable and fine as Coach Kennedy praying on the field to himself after a game . When I saw that warmonger Jerome Corsi abuse Toni in 2003 for her turning away from the American flag during the national anthem I was just as pissed as I am now

First amendment protects freedom of speech and religious freedom. This is the US not China or Iran. We will not punitively police coaches who decide with their freedom and liberty to pray and be open with their religion by praying where they want after games . 

The Liberal 2.0ers talk tough on China and trash them like they trash Christians , Jews and Muslims but they sure love China’s anti Christian radically fascist policies . 

They told the coach to go pray in the janitor’s room for Christ’s sake 

Just imagine if this school told a gay coach who wanted to kiss his or her spouse or partner after a game on the field to instead kiss in a janitor’s room. We all know the opposite of the Coach Kennedy situation would have happened and then some. Due to the anti christian hatred in the coverage of this story,  I seriously hate this intolerant evil society we live in and I want to kms by oding on pills to get away from this world. 

We need to demysticize all religions so stuff like Christianity and all religions can be viewed as a philosophy or fictional entertainment like Marxism or Objectivism or Star Wars instead of like they are now , so this way there won’t be this anti religious public censorship as with Coach Kennedy since philosophy and entertainment isn’t a religion. 

If Coach Kennedy was doing a Marxist speech to himself on the field after the game or swinging a Star Wars light saber, no one would bat a lash or complain at all. Its like if something is religious it must be forbidden and hidden. Like wtf is wrong with religion to cause such anti religious derangement syndrome?

The ACLU are hypocrites for attacking freedom of religion. Hypocrite scum. They have lost their way. They pick and choose what they consider free speech  . They created the coercion lie to justify their hypocritical,anti Christian and anti religious freedom crusade in this case

So its ok to expose young people to drag queens, teach type of Gender fluidity teachings, teaching kids they can be another gender and similar LGBTQ things in school isn’t grooming/coercing but a Christian coach praying to himself on the field after a game without asking his players to join in is ‘coercing’ them to engage in Christianity?  

Maybe I am wrong about this comparison but the LGBTQ+ movement does have elements of religion like fervor in it too, and if the US goes after religion they will go after LGBTQ+ too if they see it that way. 

That is why affirming religious freedom, including freedom to pray publicly helps affirm freedoms for others, including LGBTQ+ people 

It is ok to teach wokeness like anti white guilt, CRT , 1619 historic revisionism project, but its not ok to have them exposed to a devout religious coach praying to himself on a field while the bleachers are emptying after a game? 

What a load OF sheet metal. ducking HYPOCRITE zoink heads..They can’t seriously think the former is more justifiable and moral than the latter? Intolerant Liberal 2.0 losers. They only ‘tolerate’ things they already pretend to support or agree with. Anti Christian bigots like Rachel Laser, SI and Gregg Bishop, Slate, flaglerlive, ACLU (bless their hearts) are the intolerant ones and we need to expose these monsters as such. 

I must have stepped into the crazy weird Twilight Zone. There is no harm in what Coach Kennedy did, any one of any religion or irreligion can now do what Coach Kennedy did. Freedom for all religions not just for Christianity. These idiots would rather deny religious freedom to all if to allow such freedom allows religious freedom also for Christianity . Mother fucking loser

So what if snowflakes were triggered by Coach Kennedy’s prayer? He was thanking his God for blessings, if that is some evil and offensive to kids nowadays, our country will be destroyed from within within a century

Religion is not a private matter. It is who someone is and their identity. Telling religious people to keep their religion in private is as dumb, harmful and unrealistic as telling a gay person to keep their sexuality in the closet or telling Colin Kaepernick to keep his political activism in private

The only defensible arguments against the pro Coach Kennedy decision is the fact this might wrongly lead to prayer in public schools . But there is absolutely ZERO evidence this decision will lead to that. 

We need more interfaith type of things to prevent division over religion

But I don’t think Coach Kennedy should coach at his former school again. He was too aggressive, drama filled and harsh in bringing his case forward .

It is uncomfortable and triggering to have him coach at that school again. If I was at that school I would not allow him back at all. Coach Kennedy probably should only coach at Christian private schools for now on (or Notre Dame college football team)

But at the end of the day let these foul spirits persecute Christians. Persecution only makes Christians stronger . The more hate directed at Christians the more sympathy Christians get, and the more this country becomes more pro Christian as a result.

If fascist SI didn’t FALSELY , OVERWHELMINGLY AND MIND NUMBINGLY STUPIDLY smear and attack the pro Coach Kennedy supreme court decision and praying (and supporting the act of praying) like Coach Kennedy did as ‘threats to democracy’, if Rachel Laser and Slate didn’t defame, dehumanize and spew pure hatred and disinformation at Christians by FALSELY AND MIND NUMBINGLY STUPIDLY smearing and attacking the pro Coach Kennedy supreme court decision and praying (and supporting the act of praying) like Coach Kennedy did as ‘far right’ and ‘far right Christian extremism’, if flaglerlive didn’t FALSELY AND MIND NUMBINGLY STUPIDLY smear and attack the pro Coach Kennedy supreme court decision and praying (and supporting the act of praying) like Coach Kennedy did as exclusionary, if these Liberal 2.0 rags instead used nuance, context, fairness, NON BIASEDNESS i.e covered this Coach Kennedy story with balance, sensitivity and without divisiveness, sort of like she did here, I wouldn’t have written anything in this blog on the Coach Kennedy case other than “ I side with and support Coach Kennedy and the supreme court decision that ruled in his favor .

“This will strengthen religious freedom not just for Christians but people of all religions who with the religious freedom that our founding fathers founded this country on who are proud of their religious identity and thus want to be more open about their religion in public without having to be in the closet about it”



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