
Showing posts from December, 2022

Exh neoslibspon

 From Jacobin article with Dr Cornel West which I agree with DANIEL DENVIR I was recently talking to Wendy Brown about just that, and about how neoliberalism and empire has really remade human subjectivities. And something that we don’t talk about enough when discussing the roots of Trumpism is nihilism. We’re talking about fundamental ways of being in and relating to the world that have been profoundly deformed. But the flip side of that is this newly resurgent left, which emerged, I think, in large part from the contradictions between Obama’s promise and the dismal reality of his governance. What do you make of this long-standing bipartisan consensus around the American idea? Fracturing into so many pieces, both the nihilism on the Right, and the resurgent socialism on the Left. And yet, somehow, Biden, this human embodiment of a senescent liberal establishment politics, has emerged as the president to preside over what comes next? CORNEL WEST Well, I mean, I’m glad you raised that

Exh stapltdvgg

 Whiteness along with racism, and race itself are interrelated social fictions which serve a long term strategy by the ruling class of divide-and-conquer .They all have to be understood, and then dismantled entirely.

Exh whittnrss

I find the concept of whiteness interesting as it constantly seems to be described differently by different people.  I think it's fairly simple to define who is definitely white, but it's not always easy. Is whiteness the color of a person’s skin? If so it is lots of Asians (in the east, west, and central) would be white, yet numerous Southern Europeans would be considered tanned Is whiteness a geographical type of conception (European=white)? If it is so, then Gypsies would be white, but Caucasians and Jewish people would not be Is whiteness a combo of factors? If that is the case then what war crimes have (for instance) Moldovans committed that can justify grouping them together with "the oppressors" When is a mixed race person at point to they are white or not white? Is the one drop rule unracist? Or is it based off of the upbringing (people with white skin tone with a few or more indigenous ancestry for example)? If that is true does a white kid whose adopted into

Exh meme blojmm

  These anti communist lame-os probably think the communists bullied A.H into suicide and that Joseph Stalin was a bad meanie weenie. The USSR showed the fascists during WWII how ‘tolerant’ us leftists are to fascism and any similar ideology  This Tweet is similar to the central theme of J Goebbels’s propaganda. This Tweet is historic revisionism/alternate history and alternate facts  The VoCM foundation had me at the start of this Tweet, since I thought they were talking about Imperial Japan. I think that reassigning WWII’s start date to 1931 is a rationale but still off base narrative, except I have no clue what Moscow has to do with the Manchurian incident Yet they start by saying out that we consider the Sino-Japanese War to be a part of WWII, which somehow translates to ‘the war is the fault of one of the final major powers to be involved in that war’, after being invaded by, oops, the NDSAP Fascism was created as a reaction to communist and socialist uprisings like the October Re

Exhgfhujjjjj To be fair textbooks commonly describe socialism incorrectly so it isn't unreasonable to describe something not socialist like this as 'textbook socialism' Texas textbook socialism George W. Bush has done more evil to the world than anyone else alive today. He should not get to comment on the country that he destroyed.  Mike Grovel Gravel Institute (built using only gravel) I echo this Jacobin article on GWB and this analysis on this article over   here  and also see here

Exh intellegisapol

Exh htfhhhyy In some high crime areas , the majority of the residents are minorities. In a few of these high crime. areas, crime victims are more often than not African Americans.  Some taxi drivers or bartenders etc would all share the same sentiments: some people in these places are afraid of being robbed , stabbed or shot at and these places are like Gotham City currently.  And this is coming from average, black working class people. Some black taxi drivers are going to be way further concerned about having their livelihood taken from them than the vague, systemic racial social  justice activism... However that's because they aren't really insulated from crime like the Ivy League Suburban neoliberals are. This is the way it goes liberal 2.0ers vote for feel good policies with clear problems and downsides they never address due to them being conveniently insulated from This is due to their wealth and perks  At the same

Exh esgytfvbb

  Even though I agree with this screenshot in theory, I have other conflicting thoughts on it too: I mean yes, Liberal 2.0ers are bad, but “Liberal 2.0ers = Nazi” is got a double speak ring to it. Maybe I am out of touch with off social media politics Some leftists who go overboard with this are a cult whose membership is based upon nonsense and This is why leftists like me have and could make an about-face every month and all just go along with it like in the USSR. Us leftists like me are conditioned to believe whatever conveniently off compass absurdities way before such a point. “The totalitarian-ideological class in power is the power of a topsy-turvy world: the stranger it is, the more it claims not to exist, and its force serves above all to affirm its nonexistence. It is modest only on this point, because its official nonexistence must also coincide with the nec plus ultra of historical development which must at the same time be attributed to its infallible command. Extended eve

Exh bbcrrimme

Exh grghjjjrrr

Because being a 4pt and or having views ‘to the right of Jane Fonda’ in a Liberal 2.0 society is counter cultural , fun, disruptive, challenges social norms and thus its more fun to be counter cultural than being mainstream  Just like the New Left hippies in the 1960s were countercultural in a conservative society, I am a 4pt and or in rare times have views ‘to the right of Jane Fonda’ in a Liberal 2.0 society. Like in the 1960s kids shocked their parents with long hair, promiscuity, edgy music, I embrace the 4pt and or have views ‘to the right of Jane Fonda’ as a way to shock our Liberal 2.0 overlords It is way more fun to be a contrarianist than to be mainstream. I love taking the opposite side of some select mainstream Liberal 2.0 political views. Being different is truly liberating.  I am circumstantially contrarian by effect, but not by really by cause. I am not going against the grain for the hell of it, as though whatever is the popularly (not necessarily majority) accepted, and

Exh patreonisnwoevilcabalofilliuminati


Exh tullygabb

Some of my comments in this post on Tulsi Gabbard sound like radlib, sheetlib, and implicit woke supporter comments on her.  Tulsi’s “leaving the Democrat party video” was chalk full of ‘rightoid’ talking points, by radlib sheetlib, implicit woke supporter high standards of political purity (but not by my standards per say, it’s just a lot of them like radlibs for example believe that anything that isn’t hyper-liberal 2.0 social policy is “conservative”) She didn’t say that she left the Democrat party because the Democrats are against Medicare, unions,  the government involvement in the market etc. Tulsi criticized the party from the synth right  Heck, Tulsi even said in a Fox News interview that the state has become too large. She certainly going in the direction of the right and there’s no evidence this is unavoidable for her Tulsi should have left the Democrat party first and foremost for being against Medicare, unions and government involvement in the market and criticized the Demo

Exh my4gutghu

Marxism Leninism -Equity feminism-Post colonial feminism-Fourth Wave feminism intersection It is true that human societies for the most part unfortunately and horribly have patriarchs and shove men down our throats politically and socially (which creates this make patriarchal animal we are up against). However, acting as though this is not something that can be changed like the tides cannot be changed is very defeatist and conservative. That women give birth and historically have had to rear kids has lead to societies where men partake in other roles.  The socialital formation of the family unit is connected to very archaic social formations around agricultural production, where women fit into a specified role. They ended up in that role due to their biology, in particular their ability to give birth and nurture a kid, yes. Yet those roles are social and can be transformed Since biology is also oppressing women, then we need to end that biological oppression via transhumanism .  Patria