Exh htfhhhyy


In some high crime areas , the majority of the residents are minorities. In a few of these high crime. areas, crime victims are more often than not African Americans. 

Some taxi drivers or bartenders etc would all share the same sentiments: some people in these places are afraid of being robbed , stabbed or shot at and these places are like Gotham City currently. 

And this is coming from average, black working class people. Some black taxi drivers are going to be way further concerned about having their livelihood taken from them than the vague, systemic racial social  justice activism... However that's because they aren't really insulated from crime like the Ivy League Suburban neoliberals are.

This is the way it goes liberal 2.0ers vote for feel good policies with clear problems and downsides they never address due to them being conveniently insulated from This is due to their wealth and perks 

At the same time the rest of us get screwed. The greatest example of this is the desegregation of schools which was really a great thing, but it truly made the schools less good for both the lower class whites and the African Americans meanwhile liberal 2.0ers send their children to private schools or conveniently put their children into the most affluent schools in their city because they reside in the rich neighborhood. 

If we desire to do desegregation then we must have had to fully alter how we fund schools and supply pupils to them yet liberal 2.0ers would have turned that down then because it caused their kids to be hurt 

It didn't even fulfill its goals either, BIPOC majority schools still have major issues, but only now poor white schools too also have major issues and it lead to a huge increase in housing costs according to the research of Elizabeth Warrens. Addressing racial inequality but not addressing the class and wealth inequality does not work but the damn liberal 2.0ers refuse to address such problems.

It becomes worse when working class minorities shine a light on the problems with what liberal 2.0ers promote, all of a  sudden they act in a mixture of paternal and mad at the people they view as pets but not as humans and wrongky saying they are wrong. Minorities know better than white liberal 2.0ers

Both political parties at times see African Americans in a negative light. Democrats view them as kids that need their help, Republicans well, you know how they view African Americans  

These type of articles are very bittersweet to read. I see these precise arguments around 2015/6 with people making them being screamed at and virtually run out of left orgies on a rail due to not bending the knee to the proper shibboleths.

I'm stoked that the greater left is starting to realize that "tell poor people that crime is not real and not to worry over it" is not a path toward an authentic working class mass movement but there is not one reason it should have taken almost a decade to get to this point. This is all so crystal clear to anyone who even made a half hearted attempt at working via what implementation of said ideas would really look like.

I believe abolitionism is a great goal to have on the horizon, though we must need to seriously restructure society before we could practically start discussing it. Quoting Pascal Roberts, "We have to abolish the conditions that made policing necessary before we can start talking about abolishing the police."

Some of the left is sadly not realizing this. Things now are as problematic, as the 2015 BLM era with the left.

A lot of people were “left” due to economic issues and now are beginning to shed from the broader “left” and topics such as crime are flash points in this divorce.

During the BLM era a survey said that peoples’ views of the police are based upon their own personal interactions with them and crime. If that's true then the skull caliper approach to guessing people's opinions is likely not the ideal way to develop a platform

The most vocal ACAB people appear to be the type of people who never have had bad experiences with police. but that's anecdotal.

I don't conceive it is a problem in their view or they only think this is a price we got to pay and they are willing to pay it (typically since they are insulated from the ills of it due to their wealth).

Like morons who argue that putting people in jail is racist. In what way is putting people in jail racist? So where precisely is Derek Chauvin supposed to go? /s

It doesn't matter the race or ethnicity, what matters is that they are doinh crimes and victimizing people! How do you even begin to debate about solutions with a person who does not believe it is a problem, feels it is acceptable, isn’t touched by it, and feels any solution to it we propose is bad or racist? 

While also trying to deprive us of the ability to defend ourselves from these humbugs. We can't argue with liberal 2.0ers anymore.

In intro criminology courses the (extreme radlib) professors argued that the various ethnic groups really commit crime at the same rate, yet certain groups are prosecuted more due to the white supremacist police being a part of a anti blackness structure and are likelier to catch them. 

To such professors, the theory that various racial groups commit crimes at different rates is racist, even though socioeconomic factors are the cause.

That may be one of numerous factors however when criminologists are outright saying they do not want to engage in any type of material analysis it's no shock that liberal democracies are not able to deal with crime.

I ponder how much of this is just the phenomenon where liberal 2.0ers adopt absurd positions out of their fear of having any agreement with right wingers, even on basic facts. 

Like it isn’t enough to deny the conclusions of the FBI crime stat-quoting racists, they got to deny completely everything that they say.

We can learn about the crime, the causes of it, and the criminal justice system in forensic psych classes much much than we can in "criminology" classes. Intro Criminology classes may as well have been called "History of racial injustice in insert your western country" since that's all that they discuss.

I have heard people reply to my exact points on crime and their responses are “um, of course he/she should go to jail, hosever I’m talking about everyone else.” Lol really like a fully staffed prison with only one inmate there. Tbh sounds way better than regular prison.

So it boils down to that it's simply another instance of people referring to themselves "abolitionists" when truly, they don't have a desire to abolish the thing they claim they want to abolish, they only really enjoy the militant chic using said label gives those people and thus are very insistent on using that label no matter how dumb or nonsensical it causes them to look to people who aren't psychotic.

To liberal 2.0ers particularly, crime is a racial issue rather than a crime issue. If you truly have concerns about the shootings on your street, you're a fearmongering racist conservative, and though anyone who's been in a neighborhood police meeting could tell you that the people who are the most concerned about crime in their neighborhoods are the working poor, who are oftentimes minorities. 

The liberal 2.0ers ideological framework is not able to deal with crime, because it involves them doing things that would run counter to what liberal 2.0ers have focused on since mid 2020, which is overwhelmingly anti blackness and alleged systemic racism.

In one state, most robberies were committed by a specific demographic, which makes up about a fraction of the state's population. How can the number be lowered without there being an increase in traffic stops, police interactions, and arrests of that specific demographic. Ignoring this, will not be easy.

If liberal 2.0ers calling people racist was the hugest problem, this wouldn't be a hot issue, though, the prosecutors and judges elected by those extremely unserious liberal 2.0ers pose a gigantic barrier to effective prosecution and crime prevention. 

I have personally heard of judges stupidly giving stayed sentences (no time in prison) for robbery, even when the suspect has had prior arrests for aggravated robbery, robbery, and felon in possession.

There have wrongly and sickly been stayed sentences for first degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, and second degree Assault-Dangerous Weapon (so much for liberal 2.0ers being anti gun)

The courts also move very slow, which is not fait to the victims and the accused. 

There is no excuse for the courts to move slow like they do - some in law enforcement get called in to testify on cases which occurred as far back as 4 years ago. 

Courts are still in de-facto dddf mode, taking limited capacity at limited pace; made the courts system very lazy, which means that people who should be in pre-trial detention are not, because the judges know full well it will be a very long time until trial really occurs.

Reducing the homicide rate of young African American men should be the most vital task for fighting racism within the US, but liberal 2.0ers appear to be resistant to even acknowledging this reality.

This book with a most palatable coverage of this issue for liberal 2.0ers. No other topic makes the wealthy Whites more uncomfortable. Even the Amazon algorithms for that book did it when I clicked on that link for the book. You do get the book, but I also got a recommendation for a black lady magic book based on attracting wealth into our lives. Whenever the issues of African American men comes up, liberal 2.0ers get way scares and desperately attempt to shift the topic to "women of color."


There is a sunscreen with a brand name that is literally "Black Girl Sunscreen" Does that sunscreen work?It is only a sunscreen made for women with darker skin. Though I am a white man. It's merely sunscreen. Ok (squeeze some out of tube). Don't use that much, it's pricey. Why is it expensive if it's sunscreen. Idpol is base for marketing. Why is there a company that charges black women more money since “Black Girl Sunscreen."costs more than other types of sunscreen. Maybe the white liberal 2.0 women are the true target customers.

Social media is really leading to much more violent escalation in the poorer areas than you there was in those areas in the past. The unrelenting 24 hour cycle leads people to consistently trash talk, causing ever-escalating feuds between people, groups, gangs, etc, and then the lid pops off in real life once they see each other offline. not sure what the answer to this is, but it is an interesting insight into the increase in crime

The iPhone and its consequences have been a hot mess for the human species.- Sent from my iPad

In some cities full of brainwashed Instagram cucks and cuckettes, Instagram alone is the cause of a bunch of proportional murders there.

With the initial defund the police rhetoric, the police were going to be replaced with un-armed social workers, who were supposed to do a better job. 

Yet, it doesn't appear like that even got tried much. It feels like defund the police got pushed all over the Liberal 2.0 social media sh*twaves, and then the wokesters senselessly attacked anyone in a dumb way anyone who rightfully disagreed with their schtick . When police started quitting and nothing replaced them, the woke cultists refused to admit that crime was increasing.

The problem with the net, and memes, is that only dumb, oversimplified ideas are able to be sustained in the competitive hellscape that is social media. 

So even if more the sophisticated takes exist, they will not gain traction. Sophisticated ideas take more time to read, get, and promote. So as in one hour you read a sophisticated idea, 1064 people have upvoted or retweeted a basic, stupid Liberal 2.0 idea.

So you end up finished reading a particularly enlightening article after about an hour. For that you reward this article an upvote. At the same time that freaking cat meme or political slogan has been viewed and consumed a thousand fold.

Also you can pull a sleight of hand out of this set up. The liberal 2.0 establishment can bet on leftists fighting the so called culture war on for them even if that means shooting themselves in the leg.

Whatever rank and file activities say by their slogan, each time it means what powerful people who implement policy choose for it to mean. 

"We didn't mean x when we said y" doesn't matter, the left wing takes the fall and does the dirty work on getting liberal 2.0ers on board with some bleeding heart idea the establishment promises

It is really going do it this time,  which discredits both the left and its leftist policy, and the establishment remains in power.

In one liberal 2.0 city where growing crime is a problem. Some liberal 2.0ers and leftists talk of being afraid by the increasing crime, and how much increasingly unhinged and confrontational the poor meth addict population has become…yet they don’t call for any increase in police or incarceration.

When the “merely send in the unarmed social workers to deal with nutty people” line got phased out, they all got big mockery from it. 

When we ask why, they claim their department already has dispatched social workers to such things but every darn time the social workers asked for an armed officer to go with them because they didn’t want to risk death for a methed out mentally handicap person.

Anyone with any skin in the “vulnerable sectors” game knew that the social work stuff was b.s. 

Like home-based healthcare, has clients who are actually paying them and registering to have the medical person go and meet them and handle them for whatever psychological/physical issue they and them still have to send a police officer on occasion here or there since Karen went off her meds and chose to barricade herself in or threatened to shank somebody etc. 

Those workers need to be trained to avoid job hazards are told the get go if something looks dicey get out and still they have incidents of medical staff being attacked, harassed, having weapons sprung on them, they even got workers getting raped, from, again, clients who flat out requested they come and are paying for the service and think they will be there and are pre-screened beforehand as a client.

The idea that there would be sent unarmed social workers out to meet real strangers in a moment of crisis in a bad neighborhood where people are strapped is a bit freaking re-tarded and always has been, especially when 99 percent of social workers are women and 95 percent of rough criminals are men. 

The blueprint would run base for about a day or two and then there would be the first story of a social worker being raped on duty and that would be the ending of the domestic hug-based police force.

That it was floated it all is how you know wokes don’t give a fuck about the victims of crime and just want to break up the police, which are one of the final traditionally right wing institutions with any true power in the US. That’s all it ever was, the “and after it’s defunded we will build something better” was always a fucking joke

“Is crime increasing or are we just noticing crime more” (and, implied, is noticing crime more racist??)

It is east to be blackpilled into thinking crime was only ever about power and privilege. So much for a racial reckoning.

“it’s those persons with concerns about crime that are racist” and “defund the police doesn’t mean abolish the police in a Liberal 2.0 way”. Scrambled brains scrambled messages and thud are loyalty tests.

But we must pivot hard to things white liberal 2.0ers truly care about and here is I am. Crime discussion post

Ben Burgis is in denial- the modern US left is a PMC/lumpen alliance versus the working class working on behalf of finance capitalism. The 2020 racial riots ‘racial justice protests’ were evidence of this. It’s not a deficiency of a fine message- They are enthusiastically are supportive of policies which unleash criminal lumpen scum onto the working class since that is what they want, they’ve turned their backs on the working class. Workers reject the Liberal 2.0ers in particular synth left and their glorious woke message, so they have to be robbed, raped and killed in their sick twisted minds.

It’s the cost that they- I mean we- have to pay for ‘social justice’.

I think these sheet libs were actually trying to help. The issue is their modes of analysis are horse s****.

Eh, crime is only up relative to the lowest that it has ever been in history which was right before early 2020 but people are hysterical like it’s the 1990s

Police wrongly only respond to 5.7% of crimes in some places. That percent needs to go up at least 20 percent

And most of those "crimes" they respond to are problematic gabs by your senile great uncle.

I definitely hear of more property crime and violence than I used to hear of but maybe that's just me.

I wonder if better medical care too comes in to play when it comes to the murder rates going down/not being truly compared to the previous violent highs. If ERs can be able to save 1.5* as many gunshot or stabbing victims, the murder rate goes down despite the same amount of people being shot or stabbed.

It does, look at gunshot or stab victim stats not homicides to get a more clear portrayal of violence. Trauma surgery has very much improved over the last four decades thanks to gun violence in particular.

The Civil War , WW I, WW II, and Korea/Vietnam very much accelerated the development of surgery

Truth, industrialized warfare with its casual rates in the thousands upon thousands to millions of people has been a success for the advance of medicine. Not only surgery mind you; for instance, the advancement of prosthetic limbs soared in improvement after Iraqi insurgents began using IEDs.

The US Marines taking advantage of the gun violence in Chicago, Illinois in 2014 to train medical their personnel: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-30243321

Also the US Army doing it in 2021: https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/trauma-articles/us-army-military-healthcare-training-trauma-center

Philly is becoming more dangerous in the average working class areas. It’s obvious.

Many US cities have homicide rates that are many times that of similarly sized cities around the globe (with the exception for the violent cities in South and Central America). It is not typical to have hundreds of homicides a year in a city. And just because the count is down 30% from the all-time high in some such places doesn’t mean it’s not still mind blowing, high. It’s nuts to me that the homicide rate in some such places isn’t a larger deal. People are literally dying (and horrifyingly they’re mostly POC).

It must be measured correctly for stats to even matter. When we don’t pursue specific crimes and ‘downgrade’ other crimes then we can’t really compare eras.

There was a 30 percent increase in homicides in various cities over just a few years. A lot of other crimes doubled. That’s unprecedented.

Most types of crime have been increasing in Canada since 2014, like homicide and sexual assault

People who are not criminals want the level of crime, def. violence and property, to be none, even if that is unobtainable, because they aren't committing any crimes

Even though some places are around the lowest they have ever been, any slight increase has a disproportionate response since they have been acclimated to lower crime for decades. The lowest ever is currently seen as the new normal, anything above that is considered anarchy.

Reducing poverty reduces crime or left wing positions reduce crime yet who on the left in any real position, sorry I don’t feel the DSA is serious is really calling for abolition ? At the same time mainstream Republicans and even Democrats now are acting like it’s WW III when , let’s put it in perspective and if its anything it’s the economy crashing after our health crises that might have caused these spikes

Long Island is Liberal reactionary as can be, they don’t desire much to vote Republican , the same with Staten Island and upstate New York

But now news of crime spreads way more quickly and so people feel like crime is worse. Adding this context of "well actually based on these officially statistics..." doesn't mean much.

Also crime is concentrated and experienced locally; a mere 1 percent increase in the US murder rate will show a 100x murder rate increase in a few of (already bad) places and hardly any change in places that already were safe. Spouting “oh well it’s not that bad we were at historic levels!” doesn’t mean a lot if your particular city has seen a dramatic increase while the surrounding suburbs are business as normal

Plus how much anti-social behavior do we see and we do not report?


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