Exh tullygabb

Some of my comments in this post on Tulsi Gabbard sound like radlib, sheetlib, and implicit woke supporter comments on her. 

Tulsi’s “leaving the Democrat party video” was chalk full of ‘rightoid’ talking points, by radlib sheetlib, implicit woke supporter high standards of political purity (but not by my standards per say, it’s just a lot of them like radlibs for example believe that anything that isn’t hyper-liberal 2.0 social policy is “conservative”)

She didn’t say that she left the Democrat party because the Democrats are against Medicare, unions,  the government involvement in the market etc. Tulsi criticized the party from the synth right 

Heck, Tulsi even said in a Fox News interview that the state has become too large. She certainly going in the direction of the right and there’s no evidence this is unavoidable for her

Tulsi should have left the Democrat party first and foremost for being against Medicare, unions and government involvement in the market and criticized the Democrat party from the left 

But the fact of the matter is saying that the Democrat party (and Republican party) is driven by elitist warmongers who are fascinated by idpol isn't 'rightoid rhetoric' or a right wing view. Its a irrefutable fact.

counter view: Tulsi said that a small government in more ideal to a large government, which tells me that she is in favor of removing the regulation on something. 

The stuff she rightfully believed in like expanding Medicare and the like were things she had said before the 180 degree switch on her talking points. Currently I am comfortable in saying it isn’t a stretch to say she doesn’t believe in that or in imposing my type of market policies because this is the one logical follow up to “big government bad”

But small government is not a 'right wing' position if you think about it. I believe *no* state eventually is preferable to a large state

The only real difference that separates Tulsi Gabbard from Evan McMullen, Andrew Yang, etc. are her views on the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the level of involvement that the US should have there. 

The milquetoast social programs she advocates for is very much lines up with Evan McMullen's vision of using child-leave and similar support programs in order to reduce abortion, and also Yang's idea of using UBI to "reform" social support programs to achieve some true end-game. 

Tulsi’s complaints against "warmongering" are more like a 2004 John Kerry worldview (like "we're doing empire stupid") and not really from a dove/no-winners-in-war type of perspective.

It should be considered journalistic sin to cover Tulsi Gabbard and not mention the fact that she was at one point the vice chairwoman of the DNC. Democrats are all too giddy to embrace chuds until it's not in their best interest for them to do so anymore

Tulsi Gabbard and the Democrats are not cozy together, as the headline of her leaving the party refutes that.

It appears that Tulsi has a issues with the DNC. I don’t know if the DNC has issues with her.

You can tell when the Democrats or at least the DNC stopped liking Tulsi, it was around the time that they stopped referring to her as a woman of color.

Her endorsing Bernie Sanders was problematic for the DNC for sure, her opposing the warmongering imperialism ‘intervention’ in Syria made her an agent of Vladimir Putin according to the DNC establishment protocols.

Tulsi's is so anti-interventionist she complained that former President Barack Dronebama Obama wasn't droning as much people as she wanted to be droned. Though droning ISIS is justifiable and extremely defensible. But not sure why people wanted to arm the SDF seeing how any "centrists" in that rebel faction were still committing brutal acts

I think us leftists should be instinctively opposed to any droning campaign due to how much collateral damage it causes.

Tulsi was moving right ward when she started to complain about the typical rightoid social culture issues on her Twitter. 

She might have no future in politics outside of a Republican ticket to pretend the Republican party is ‘diverse’ (like with Nikki Haley) so she has to pay her bills through ‘blaspheming’ the Democrats and becoming a dealigned independent commentator  

Yeah despite me being to the left of and more often than not disagreeing with her, I saw Tulsi as a principled centrist that believed in she preached. Yet her statement on leaving the Democrat Party made it clear to me that she is only a schrodinger opportunist that’s setting the stage for her to get a show on Fox News or Newsmax.

Her “cabal of wealthy warmongering elites” thing sounds a bit like right wing anti-elitism , but not sure. 100 percent. But the GOP had way more cabals of wealthy warmongering elites than the Democrat Party

Tulsi also sounded like Marjorie Taylor Greene the way she said “anti-white racism” and that Christian’s are being under attack. wahhhh anti white racism lmfao /s  Sorry, I nastily pissed in Tulsi Gabbard’s white aggrieved pool /s

Tulsi 'left' the Democratic party the second she criticized Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“elitist cabal of warmongers”

She its Tulsi Gabbard, a career military officer who was more than content to fight in wars in the Muslim world. Literally she was in Africa allying with Special Forces on who knows what. She is not outside of the 'elite cabal of warmongers' don't buy this transparent virtue signaling to us anti war, anti interventionalists and non interventionalists . That’s Major Non-Interventionist to us, private. /s

Tulsi got a bone to pick with Whabbist. But who doesn't? What about YPG and SDF, are they unsupportable?

Tulsi is too right of me for me to champion her or to stan for, but she would make a much more charismatic spokeswoman than Andrew Yang for election reform, so... let’s hope that she sees the light there.

However, Tulsi has be an authentic desire for her voice to be heard. Based on her Joe Rogan interview and on her own 30 minute podcast it seems the jury is still out with me on her. She appears to be speaking a lot of truth, but I am also gullible though

I am not a fan of Tulsi’s views on guns, but she would be better than who we're going to end up with in 2024 at the very least

I'm thinking that Tulsi is having a change of heart on 2A. I believe when the Democratic party showed their true colors it truly opened her eyes to several of the other policy views she had and she had to re-investigate as to why she had them in the first place. See here for more.

Tulsi sadly and wrongly has been a persona non grata for the DNC for her correct anti interventionist and correct anti woke stances for some time now, or tangibly since she endorsed Bernie Sanders at the DNC convention in 2016. It was inevitable she would flee that donkey doo doo

I can see how Tulsi Gabbard’s spicy rhetoric is coming off very much defacto right-wingish in her condemnation of the Democrat Party, but what are some of her real policies that are actuallyright-wing? (though she can go 180 and turn conservative entirely).

Tulsi rightfully supports a "two-tier universal health care system". Though all that is is Private Healthcare with a public option or the most watered down version of universal healthcare so her and even me supporting that isn’t left wing or even that progressive really

Tulsi rightfully wants to pull back the global US military occupation

Despite Tulsi’s youthful homophobia, she was graded by the Human Rights Campaign at 84 to 100 percent on "pro-LGBTQ" legislation while she was serving her four congressional terms (a similar score to what the Human Rights Campaign would grade me at)

Tulsi rightfully says that the US should transition to renewable energy.

Tulsi says she rightfully wants to make US. citizenship simpler for migrants to obtain.

Tulsi wants to legalize drugs, I myself am certainly no slouch when it comes to drug liberazation yet she is to the left of me on drugs in some ways 

Tulsi supports banning rifles. 

Tulsi wants to decriminalize prostitution.

Tulsi wants left wing paid leave policies for every parent of newborns.

Tulsi rightfully wants college to become more affordable.

Tulsi rightfully supports reproductive rights

Tulsi rightfully supports campaign finance reform

Tulsi rightfully wants to regulate the big tech surveillance capitalism 

I mean, I can see some of her social and cultural opinions have been branded as being right-wing recently since she doesn't support stuff like teaching sex and gender dogma to preschool kids, does that make someone a right wing nowadays? I do think that she's disappointingly quiet about taxation, though she has said she's opposed to offshore corporate income tax breaks... So Tulsi is pretty darn independent.

Though, Tulsi has unfortunately flipped flopped or backtracked on most of those above views and her narrative has changed in dramatic fashion. Yet for one reason or another I take her at her word since she once gestured at supporting such views.

Kamala Harris and Mayor Pete have said they support the above views and Kamala even signed on the m4a bill at one point yet it's not hard at all for anyone to see Kamala and Mayor Pete are in their view slimy opportunists, but I am still falling over myself to cast Tulsi in a positive light even after it's turned into a blindingly obvious reality on how slimy she might be

It's like Tulsi has a magic spell on me because she's got an attractive personality (and her being beautiful certainly isn’t a negative) and she doesn't like Hilary Klintoon Clinton or something

Though I am disturbed that Tulsi is an active supporter of the GWOT and drone strikes and that shes a hawk (a different breed of hawk) So she’s a hawk, just like all regular Democrats

Depressingly, Tulsi’s correct anti interventionist views are what chased her out of the Democrat Party

Further evidence that the US is irreversibly mired in its empire and they are nothing but a expansionist killing machine

Tulsi also publicly voiced her displeasure when the DNC fucked Bernie Sanders out of the nomination in 2016. She went as far to step down as vice-chairwoman over that. So the DNC has been pushing her out since that time.

Or did she get chased out for being an open Tucker cultist (Tucker as in Tucker Carlson) 

Shes somewhat in the right wing vortex or a contrarian and she has been for awhile now, especially since she gave a speech at CPAC and she appears on Fox News so much. This stuff attracts rubes to subscribe to her podcast and substack. “Why I left the Dems” is a cashcow and she’s be foolish not to take advantage of it.

Or maybe Tulsi Gabbard is socially libertarian or socially moderate

Tulsi is definitely non woke, and she refreshingly breaks from Progressive Liberal orthodoxy. So she basically a nazbol /s

Though did she get chased out of the Democrat Party for questioning the US’s position on Syria? Because, as it became clear, liberal 2.0ers are pretty darn gullible towards reactionary rhetoric that’s couched in the language of 'democracy'

Hillary Clinton, a neoliberal hawk, was somewhat instrumental in driving Tulsi out of the Democrat Party

Tulsi is though at the end of the day a hawk herself (certainly NOT a ‘dove’) or do these quotes by Tulsi seem like someone who has dove sentiments would spew “ when it comes to the war against terrorists, I’m a hawk. When it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I’m a dove.” 

She’s too said that the US has a ‘duty’ to root out ‘evil’ and to be anti Islam crusaders Islamic terrorism. Furthermore she’s still a military trooper assigned to 351st Civil Affairs Command. 

She was correct about serious but is too blind to see what the GWOT is all about

Considering that the US foreign policy is about regime change instead of counter terrorism, that's an important break with imperialism on Tulsi’s end.

My point on Syria is more exact than an 'anti interventionist' stance I may take which is more generalized.

Tucker Carlson is a joke but that argument that Tulsi's 'right wing' due to being on Tucker’s show is the same argument that is used to attempt to trick us who know better that Glenn Greenwald is someway 'right wing'. Not at all convincing.

If Tulsi is really "right wing" then what does her being “right wing” make her Democrat contemporaries? The Democrats policies are generally *to the right* of Tulsi’s policies, definitely their pro-interventionist and pro war views. True Answer: Tulsi Gabbard’s Democrat contemporaries are Right wing, or at best center right on economic and foreign policy positions and lean left on social/culture issues

Roger Waters has appeared on Joe Rogan so he is now apparently a right winger too.

Tulsi criticized former President Barack Obama for not being enough of a hawk for her in the Middle East and said the made BBB be too far left economically for my liking. 

It's comical that she would use drone strikes more than former President Barack Obama and maybe Donald Trump, while Joe Biden of all people has thankfully and rightfully reduced them significantly and got the US out of Afghanistan while taking a beating politically for doing so in a wreckless and idiotic way

But your average normie Democrat is to the ‘left’ of Tulsi. Her healthcare plan was after all more conservative than Pete Buttiegeg’s healthcare plan in some ways to some people

Regardless of foreign policy, there are many examples of the longing to moderate out on social/cultural issues, the solid majority of people are in the grey area, most pronounced on hot button issues. And social/cultural issues won’t just disappear with left wing economics /socialism (though they should)

Though saying “imperialist war on Russia”sounds as stupid and revisionist as saying the “imperialist war on Japan which occurred when US imperialism forced Japan to invade all of their nearby countries and kill zillions of people”

1.) Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a gut punch. Invasions are gut punches overall. F*ck war.

2.) The US desires nothing more than to destroy Russia and to carve up all of its resources for the US’s late stage capitalist feudal lords.

Though the US did sort of goad Japan into Pearl Harbor with an oil embargo. It was basically either attack the US or just give up on the wars that they were already fighting, which wasn't an option. 

Not saying the US shouldn't have involved themselves with the WWII struggle, just that FDR had to walk a fine line to do so because the people were still in a fed up mindset about war after WWI which was only about 20 years removed at the time

FDR knew that war was unavoidable, but also too that if Japan or Germany didn't attack the US first, he wouldn't have the opening needed to win support from the people.

You do realize they invaded and committed horrific acts in numerous other countries first right?

Russia is the 21st Century version of China and there is certainly a colonial war against it.

I don't think anybody especially Tulsi Gabbard is authentic or some type of new political movement, and any accusations of 'grifting' are overused, tired tropes.

I sound like I’m having a collective rightoid fever dream in this post

I only desire the prospect of ultimate AI to realistically be invented so we can orient all political decisions around solving for the full scientific understanding of the human mind so we can code a entire ethics of total centrism. Tulsi is a step in this direction. Any interruption in the modern hegemony is a step in the right direction.

Some people like Tulsi because she’s not scared to put herself forward and go against the script. Whether you feel it’s all fake or real and she’s inly doing it to get that redneck cash is up to you. 

Personally I believe she likely does believe in the things that she says but also, you haveo pay the bills so I can see the reason she’s going on Tucker Carlson and using buzz language like “why I left the Democratic Party”. I don’t believe this necessarily invalidates her messaging.

Oh no! This rando ex-politician Tulsi Gabbard has in the mind of some obsessive Liberal 2.0ers ‘right wing’ views. nooooooooo I am imploding /s

Tulsi is very much against the second amendment. She will never fly with rightoids with that stance. I am nowhere near as anti gun as Tulsi and even my gun views would never fly with rightoids. We need diversity of views on guns on the right and Tulsi can provide that

I unironically hope she reroutes the disdain that both parties have for her to inject a bit of anti-war sanity

Tulsi didn’t even praise the Afghanistan withdrawal. The issue she had with Joe Biden drone striking a random humanitarian worker was that Joe didn’t do it more.

"Thank you, Joe Biden, for your commitment to get the US out of Afghanistan—should have happened 19 years earlier, saving thousands of lives and trillions dollars”

Tulsi literally worked in psychops in 2020

The modern democrat is too far ‘left’ for her on economic issues, Tulsi would be using drone striking more than former President Barack Obama if she was Prez.

I truly believe there’s a spot for Tulsi Gabbard’s brand of politics- similar to a moderate party but the opposite of the Forward party, conservative socially but populist/progressive economically

But Tulsi might not even be economically progressive anymore. She criticizes Joe Biden for being too ‘far left’ economically in these times

If that was a workable third party lane in Us politics it would’ve been done already. There’s no actual place for independents in our broken political system unless they caucus with Democrats or Republicans

But maybe there will eventually be a socially right, fiscally left political party that's not just dissident Democratics like Tulsi, Tim Pool,  Jimmy Dore. I just believe such a political party would be effective to moderate out on social issues

Imagine if 45 becomes President in 2024 with Tulsi as his VP 

We impeach Trump so much and aggressively he is impeached this time impeached out of office

Tulsi then takes the reigns from Trump and she implements these policies:

-Medicare for all

The three letter federal agencies become smashed and scattered to the skies

-Dissolution of NATO. President Tulsi makes the US would leap out of NATO into the icy waters of isolation, but the NATO boat will go sailing along. Likely Tulsi would get Russia to join after Vladimir Putin is thrown in a gulag.

-Mending of the relations between China and Russia

Tulsi leaving the Democratic party for those reasons she states are why, for example, I became a left winger and left liberalism. I know I'm not the only person to leap from that prison ship.

Hillary Clinton called Tulsi a Russian asset because Hillary is an unelectable magog with a hat in the rink of the US Empire.

Hillary had like four ivy league interns tweeting for her, normally that sort of stuff is found too 'edgy'.

Hillary falsely and stupidly accused Bernie Sanders of the same thing, though phrased differently. If anyone is buddy buddy with Russia, its Hillary Clinton, not Tulsi and CERTAINLY NOT Bernie Sanders. 


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