Exh meme blojmm


These anti communist lame-os probably think the communists bullied A.H into suicide and that Joseph Stalin was a bad meanie weenie. The USSR showed the fascists during WWII how ‘tolerant’ us leftists are to fascism and any similar ideology 

This Tweet is similar to the central theme of J Goebbels’s propaganda. This Tweet is historic revisionism/alternate history and alternate facts 

The VoCM foundation had me at the start of this Tweet, since I thought they were talking about Imperial Japan. I think that reassigning WWII’s start date to 1931 is a rationale but still off base narrative, except I have no clue what Moscow has to do with the Manchurian incident

Yet they start by saying out that we consider the Sino-Japanese War to be a part of WWII, which somehow translates to ‘the war is the fault of one of the final major powers to be involved in that war’, after being invaded by, oops, the NDSAP

Fascism was created as a reaction to communist and socialist uprisings like the October Revolution /Bolshevik Revolution in the early 20th century

“eww he started it!” /s


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