Exh egnjjj

Some woke SJWS feel that culture is inseparable from ethnicity. I myself don’t care at all for cultural appropriation. Whites really shouldn’t appropriate culture of BIPOC at all   expand arm

I support an eventual landback for Native Americans

I feel cultural assimilation is suspect since it can be abused by xenophobes to make non white migrants be like them as we see in France with their live together motto

I am ok with CRT housing like at colleges and the VA as I mention here

I am anti racial guilt 

I am an enemy of whiteness (though see here and here, also through Afro-pessimism I make a critical shift in focus by me moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black, in order to deemphasize the status of whiteness and to center analysis, rather, on the anti-Black foundations of race and modern society). 

I support First Nations and other Natives in North America reconquesting their homelands 

I feel that legal systems liberals respect must be respected

I support Revolutionary Progressive Nationalism and Civic Nationalism to help oppressed people against oppression,being saboteured , white bigots and people of all races ethnicities should help each other by supporting this

I like the progressive discourse in the US

I can understand why some said that the 2018 French world cup victory belonged to Cameroon

A lovely cuddly corporate led class coalition.  This includes a bureaucratic element, legal and enforcement arms, reimagined academy, a decreasing petit bourgeoisie and underclass organized around culturaleconomic agipop , wary of Liberal Democracy (in a left wing way), with social corporate hegemony  , contemptuous of the lower orders of deplorables, with this type of outlook

I would have maybe rooted for France against Croatia purely because of the Cameroonians winning and for the reasons in this article 

Not actually or entirely against the concept of the primacy of general will of the majority people

That is not in the majority interests but in favor of working with marginalized persons to secure the power of small elite classes versus their biggest competition, which is the bourgeoisie.

This would be done out of practicality or expedience. This is because the majority is resentful toward them and thus this stops them from ruling over them. Maybe with a weird level of support from elite circles.

It would be based to see said marginalized persons form a majority in government (like in other parts of the world). but it is hard to exercise that at present.

I support Indigenous Rights in Canada ,including with tribes like First Nations having their lands throughout Canada in the name of all that is good and true

This has been the case for too long in Canada that it's simple to forget how our White Saviour dolts led the way in using fascist logistics to own the white settlers.

I support Indigenous rights in Canada in part because Canada gets too much of a free pass from criticism for rightfully not slavery and associated racisms as the US, and because there isn’t a bigger black community in Canada to focus attention on in liberating

If woke people say that Canada is occupied, settled territory (the occupiers and settlers being vastly white non Indigenous Canadian citizens whose ancestors came from beyond Canada)  , then technically under international law, Canada accepting more immigrants would be a crime against humanity. Xenophobic bigots will use this to their advantage. 

These xenophobes will claim “Technically it makes new immigrants to Canada be looked on as settler-collaborationists at the very least. They may not have chosen to integrate and invest in the regions that they say are controlled by settler colonialists, but rather they chose to join in the project.”

So its best woke Canadians don’t play the ‘we are occupied by non Indigenous citizens’ card as there are less risky ways to fight for Indigenous rights to get their stolen lands back then that

Israel gets heat for this all of the time and yet Alberta and Saskatchewan are only a few decades older than Israel.

In Europe, it's getting more typical to see extreme right groups applying the "indigenous" part of "BIPOC" to themselves.

Ecosocialist Lottocracy

The UK of all places, having been run shod by foreign continental tribes about every other century. Large indigenous population according to UKIP trolls!

But that's what is usually taught, genetic surveys have said that all the people of the British Isles and Ireland have more or less the same DNA as the Ibero-Gallic people who way back when arrived at the end of the Ice Age. This is why it's an effective strategy for the extreme right. None of the deconstructive arguments actually stand up to scrutiny.

Ironically, it also creates friction within the extreme right, in particular among the "germanic inheritance" sorts, since it turns out the English are genetically more Welsh than Germanic.

The book is Brian Sykes' "Blood of the Isles".

Seemingly it has the far more prosaic name of "Vikings, Saxons and Celts" in the US market.

People in the British Isles retained DNA from pre-Germanic populations, which means there wasn't a complete replacement. There is still DNA from Germanic settlers within the genomes of many white English people..

But this could be fake -- there's been a whole lot of population turnover. The ice age in Britain ended around ~9000 BCE. The inhabitants at the time were hunter-gatherers. By ~4000 BCE, 80 percent of the local gene pool came from Anatolian farmers. By ~2000 BCE, 90 percent of ancestry was from the Bell Beakers. From ~1000 to 900 BCE, there was a new inflow from France -- they contributed half of the ancestry (in south Britain).   See: Nick Patterson, et al. "Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age". Nature, 601(7894):588–594, January 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04287-4

Germanic sorts have a plurality but likely not a majority, which somewhat explains why Anglo-Saxon social structures evolved to become widespread from a overall migration all over the territory of modern day England.

I was under the thought (i.e the study "Insular Celtic population structure and genomic footprints of migration" from 2018) that whilst the north and sw of England retained big Celtic population stability in terms of DNA, that the south, SE, Midlands, and east of England were for the most part highly Germanic in terms of genetic breakdown. Yes those parts away from the center of the Heptarchy would keep a larger indigenous substrate of Iron Age populations, I'd believe, whereas those territories which were directly invaded from the Continent would have a bigger percentage of those populations (at first Romans, later Anglo-Saxons - a

Anglo-Saxons - as elaborated upon in "Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons"). My guess would be that a specific portion of the Celtic genome has been kept in the population of England, but that it's been watered down by a strong Anglo-Saxon and a slight Norman factor (add Scandinavian to the mix in Northern England) that is not there to the same degree in Ireland, Scotland, or Wales.

I painted in general strokes for the sake of brevity there is a larger presence of germanic/scandinavian DNA in England. In spite of this, it's still right that the average Englishman is genetically closer to a Welshman than to a German.

Same for the American continents. The majority of the federally recognized tribes in the US are really an "invention" of the late colonial era.

A ton of the natives of North America didn't exist before colonization or drastically changed up their lifestyle and homeland due to that. The Sioux as one example lived in the NW Midwest originally. 

The Iroquois and Algonquin radically changed the composition of the old northwest. The Cherokee and Seminole might have not even existed as distinct tribes until about 1600. This was slightly due to the demographic effects of the Columbian exchange, and slightly due to normal conflicts, but the net effect is that the concept that tribes have been in a precise area since "time immemorial" is generally a convenient fiction that makes believe that American archeology hasn't advanced since 1900.

I typically just keep things simple and shake things up by showing that the “Five a Civilized Tribes” sided with the Confederacy

Fast fact: in France the group that calls themselves the most to indigenes is the racialist left to far left. For those persons, indigenous people are north

Calling a person an immigrant who has been here three+ generations (meaning that they get less rights discussing certain topics) is woke as long as it’s to whites.

Calling a first gen poc person an immigrant is a faux pas and a racism however. They are as Canadian as apple pie

Whites live in this odd twilight zone of being way cut off from their ancestry to the point that they are uncultured twats, but also not since they will never be more than a settler/immigrant, but with none of the oppression points that comes with being an immigrant. 

Not even mentioning the mental gymnastics of believing that “indigenous” people popped out of the ground and did not settle here like all other people.

Like how if someone is an immigrant when there family was in Alberta for a couple generations before it became Canada.

Canada immigrated to other Canadians, but not the other way around. OG trading post employees.

It was weird being able to say “no none of some peoples ancestors ever immigrated to Canada”

Native's have lived in North America for at least 30,000 years. Squatters rights, immigrant.

30-120k vs 500 years so... immigrants, all of you

Well, there still is the "colon" mentality in Canada (Not to be nixed up with the "Colonizer" the bourgeois/aristocrat whose exploiting the colony who commonly do not even lives on the colony). 

Canada extracts resources from what they think is their land only to sell it cheaply in other places instead of manufacturing stuff here or to the very least be non risky about it and slow the extraction in order to be able to heighten the price of said resources. It's a odd relationship were they are acting as if they were estranged from their own land, getting rid of it to very small benefit to them but to great profit to the before-mentioned colonizers.

They need to fix that mentality and actually inhabit Canada to make better use of it's resources. It starts by stopping to act like colons and chucking the colonizers but again, simpler said than done. Those mining corps in Canada, like are real thugs.

I have free health care and education

Years ago there was large flag with a celtic cross and "OUR BLOOD OUR SOIL" on the house of a native town near Montreal.

Some woke Asians go to segregated dance parties, and say racist things like wanting race war against whites without a hint of irony. And those persons think they are being progressive, idpol has messed up people's brains. I don't get US politics..

Middle class Asians pretending to be oppressed in the USA is very bizarre. A desire to fit in likely a case of rebellion against traditional parents

They sometimes follow this sort of thing until a bit after college/post-grad ends. usually whenever they get married or have a child. Then they become the most conservative people you've ever seen.

Non zero chance that this particular type of Asian girl has been unpc bigoted at some point

I can't push back against this sort of extremism without social censure by fascists. These loons wrongly believe that whites are ‘evil racists’. If you're a POC, then they wrongly call them coconut race traitor. That leaves the floor to highly disagreeable people.

Just a racialized university activist SJW i think. and yes young middle class asians are often the largest propagators of this kind of nonsense.

Winning the argument with these SJW freaks as a white dude. means I am just going to get labeled a racist when 90 percent of the world agrees with me on this.

It the same as “you ain’t bl@ck”.nonsense by some old geezer of course whites voted for him, it just makes him sound “problack” and everyone else “anti-problack”.

Seg dance parties are popular in younger queer circles 

Like 'queer bipoc closed dance party' kind of thing, no straight or white people allowed

I've seen trans people say in the truscum forums that they've went to attend those parties, only to be WRONGLY refused admittance due to them being passed for their gender and were assumed to be cishet.

Trans people are not considered to be trans by some of those people because they don't seem trans, which is the whole objective of people with dysphoria.

Some of these people are not only trans, but LGB as well.

When passing transgender people aren't assumed to be transgender, or if someone does not look gay enough to be gay, then that is something terribly wrong and broken.

In my experience the trans community is overrun with afab non-binary who microdose testosterone to give themselves a little dirt stache, dress quirky and to view being trans as a fashion statement in-and-of-itself.

If you just want to pass as the opposite gender and not get involved in the politics much you are opposite of a lot of these people.

Trans people should be accepted as Trans and by the Trans community even if they look Cisgender. Gays should be accepted as gay and accepted by the gay community even if they don’t look gay

This is what always bugs me when people claim they want trans representation in media . They don't want anyone who truly passes for their gender, they only want muscly women with butch voices. It has to be bleedingly obvious that they are transgender.

World of Warcraft’s Transgender video game developers, (in part due to Transgender World of Warcraft players spamming the developers until they gave in) recently altered their male and female gender options to 'Body 1' and 'Body 2', for example, and permitted people to pick a male or female voice regardless of the chosen body type. Wouldn't a trans woman simply chose a female character, and a trans man chose a male? Isn't it the biggest desire of every trans person to be looked at as the gender that they believe themselves to be? Why the need to rename biological sexual dimorphism?

Now transgenderism has obviously warped past that for a portion of people at this stage. It is an identity, and as we know with idpol, making sure that other people know what your identity is has become the primary priority.

I don't think being excluded from 'queer bipoc closed dance party' truly gets under their skin. It's when powerful institutions like the state and banks/corporations favor 'underrepresented' minorities at the expense of the majority that it does so.

In one high school there were flyers for a “closed queer BIPOC” party of some type. Anyways, one person made flyers for a “closed hetero white” party (with no intent to actually doing so, just to see what’s permitted). They were promptly hauled off to the office and lectured about the evils of racism/transphobia/homophobia/etc.

I don’t think any person will give a darn about segregated queer BIPOC parties but they may start to give a darn when they find out that such exclusionary organizing is a privilege which is only allowed to protected classes. It even inspires a knee jerk reaction in anti woke people. 

I can see closed queer bipoc parties enflaming racial hatred and divide for a lot and some fellow leftists see them as a bit regressive. Like where do all of the white gays do if they want to dance? 

I see the horseshoe theory is alive and well. But if they want to do such regressive (ymmv) bold things like closed queer bipoc parties be my guest. See this stuff I posted on Intersectionality here,  on CRT like separatism here and LGBTQ issues here to get more of a jist of my thoughts on this

Someone should set up a closed party that so specific that no one can go to it. Maybe a Trans poc gay intersectionality party

Stuff like closed queer bipoc parties that exclude passable trans people and gays who don’t look gay brainwashes people down the alt-right pipeline and causes horrible hateful thoughts at times

For all intents and purposes those precepts and attitudes like closed queer bipoc dance parties that exclude passable trans people and gays who don’t look gay are also extreme right wing, and we should call them such. They just happen to be a extreme right wing inspired that is by different racecraft and religious priorities than the actual extreme right wing, and thus are its natural enemies—that is, unless they form a temporary pragmatic truce to join forces towards their dream of super segregated ethnostates where they can each impose their own shi**y purity cultures.

I am certain that the naughtzie cat Bois are helping to push this queer bipoc closed parties that exclude passable trans people and gays who don’t look gay . Degenerate parties plus racism, left wing Transphobia, and left wing homophobia this has their pawmarks all over it (no pun intended)

The "gay scene" is all idpol badness now. Finding a normal person is getting difficult.

In Germany there's this new alphabet vomit called "FLINTA", which may mean everyone except cis-het white men. In colleges you can seek many clubs or events that are FLINTA-only and at one of those climate protests all of the white men were WRONGLY asked to leave. FLINTAs telling white men to leave the climate protests is almost as bad as them being a climate change deniers .This FLINTA stuff is so sad man I feel disgusted

God help white men if we want to organize something for ourselves when we’re not allowed in anywhere else though

It is the kind of thing that if you truly wanted to sneak your way in you could just claim youre non binary and boom you're in or even pull a 'straight boyfriends of bi girls' sort of move

Practically I feel it likely means 'people in our subculture only' which is also like how i feel about where the "queer" label has gone off to: it's a cultural signifier

I think they accept non-heterosexual men. Can you join a FLINTA if you state that you used to have sexual fantasies of your male buddy when you were a teen, and are thus technically are bisexual? 

Or must you at minimum have masturbated about him? Is there a minimum amount of gay wanks one has to do to be FLINTA? Do they mightily require video evidence to confirm before they provide you with a non-het certificate?

You can just fib and say you're gay. There's no way they can disprove such a statement, though actual bisexual men already receive a lot of scorn from the "true gays". Like I suggested, it's more about being part of this political in-group than anything else, which is what it is

At least some people still have the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Knights of Columbus but KoC is more multi-racial (some have a couple of Hispanic people in chapters) but they can speak some Spanish and they seem to enjoy it.

American ethnicity based fraternities are genuinely odd as can be. Though not La raza- based groups in the US of course

Race wars talk is junk talk and just a proxy for the culture war, the fabled new u.s. civil war that's always being alluded to

Mentioning class politics is NOT a distraction from idpol.

The culture war must be won before we can even begin thinking about the class war. This appears to be a growing sentiment among the wokesters, if it's not already happening widely.

It's one or the other and culture war comes first.

Said by folks who benefit from ignoring class politics and all that is socialism.

Beyonce experiencing racism and then going home to weep and wipe her face with money , money doesn’t buy happiness I guess

"Have you HEARS what Serena Williams had to put up with?!?!" "She had to correct her doctors because of racism! How she can cope with such bigotry is so darn inspiring" "now get back to work cracker you know nothing of oppression"

Culture war is an episode of conspicuous consumption of luxurious ideologies and is a symptom of class inequality . It is not a pre-condition to resolve for class struggle to proceed

Yes it's true, saying I am more focused on class comes with certain connotations

The discourse is in a strange state right now where a lot of times the more clear a trend is, the less allowed you are to articulate what is actually occurring. Like, the left-identitarian embrace of racial segregation is very obviously happening, but I won’t critique them because I don’t want to be called a racist or bigot and I am not too diff than them in some ways, see here, here for instance

It's mandated to a degree at workplaces, colleges, and lefty organizations. But you can't acknowledge it. It is all about plausible deniability. “how can it be happening if nobody(approved sourcesTM only) has heard of or mentioned it?” Any person spreading “misinformation” is only a conspiracy theorist trying to slow down their Liberal 2.0 agenda. The majority of people wouldn’t vote for this type of shit if they were honest and open about it so it needs to be dismissed as “rightwing talking points”.

Vulture published a bonkers piece by Andrea Long Chu. It's her typical deeply dum dum attempt at literary criticism: articulating overall trends from mini scraps of novels while ignoring their overall context and then claiming this supposed trend has to reflect a deeper reality. Only this time, it's about how much people (Asian Americans here) so love racialization:

“And if there is one conclusion to be reached from the mixed Asian experience, it is this: People want race. They want race to win them something, to tell them everything they were never told; they want friendship from it, or sex, or even love; and sometimes, they just want to be something or to have something to be. I do not mean that Asian America will suddenly appear on the horizon tomorrow if enough of us choose it tonight. What I mean is that many people across the country, including many of us who are mixed, are already choosing it, and it is enough for now to ask why. There is, after all, a reason that people sit together: They don’t want to be alone.”

I cannot criticize this over fear of SJW backlash , but I do offer some of my own takes on Asian Americans and Asians and idpol here, here and here, and also here

Capitalist alienation cuts off everyone and people are willing to be reverse racist to heal from them.

Also, in both cases the liberal idpol idea serves as a cultural tool of the capitalist class. In ye olden times it got the buy-in of the middle class and poor people to id themselves with their masters and fight for their interests versus other capitalist nations. Today it helps fracture the poor people and middle class, turn them against eachanother, and infinitely deflect from criticism over material issues by redirecting all things into the idpol cauldron.

Liberal idpol functions to provide a basis for organizing and legitimizing a state. It asserts the existence of a natural political community that’s distinct and homogenous, which allows for the state to present itself as the organic expression of said community.

Liberal idpol has the inverse function: it legitimizes the state by asserting the absence on a natural political community. It does so by asserting that society is heterogenous, necessitating the interference of the technocratic liberal state as a impartial broker between otherwise-antagonistic sects.

Reducing these things are bad ideas, and trying to ferret out the shared terribleness of bad ideas, misses the more simple question of what these ideas are for, what is the function that they perorm and who do they serve.


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