Exh revtrnscgo

Revolutionary nationalism is of the oppressed.

This Revolutionary nationalism specifically refers to those who are nationally oppressed, primarily colonized people.

With the colonized and nationally oppressed, there is the potential for a progressive, revolutionary nationalism that can advance the movement farther down the path to left wing economics like late stage  Socialism and Communism via national liberation along with the weakening of imperialism

Though, I admit, even with the nationalism of oppressed, there are limits to the usefulness of this (specifically post-national liberation) which you can read more about in Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth, [I mention and incorporate Fanon and his ideologies in my Afro Pessimism writings in my other blog posts], and there’s still always the potential for right-wing reactionary elements creeping in that have to be actively combatted.

However, with oppressor nations – with colonizer nations, especially settler-coloniser nations there is absolutely no potential for even the slightest progressive, left-wing nationalism except in ways I outline in these blogs since such nationalism necessarily entails upholding and supporting the capitalist-imperialist colonizers and their oppressive bourgeois states.

The intent of left-wing nationalist - national liberation – movements is to end national oppression.

If there is no oppression happening specifically along national lines, then there is no basis for a left-wing nationalism and national liberation.

In the absence of specified national oppression, nationalism is inherently reactionary, chauvinistic, revisionist, opportunist, tailist, and diametrically against to the goals of the international struggle for proletarian emancipation.

In the scenarios of working people from bourgeois oppressor nations, settler-colonizers and so forth, who might be oppressed socially along class lines instead of national lines, and who truly want a flag to band together under, it’s important to keep in mind reminding these people that “The class-conscious proletariat has its own tried banner, and does not have a need to rally to the banner of the bourgeoisie


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