Postie zion bsdsd

 I feel that  Zionism has fulfilled its ideological mission with the formation of the modern Israel in 1948, In my opinion,  Zionist ideology should therefore be considered at an end. 

This has been evident since the Oslo Accords.  Israel should no longer declare itself to be a Jewish democratic state and should instead focus on its democratic aspects. This movement seeks to create social equality in Israel in a way that meshes with my views in this blog

Questions that need an answer:

Is Israel a safe haven for the Jewish nation? Are there any other places in the world which the Jews' conditions are better from a historical point of view? (like North America?)

Is it actually possible to have both a Jewish state and a democracy? Should Israel become a state of all its citizens?

Is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict fully black and white? Did Israel always maximize its efforts to obtain peace with the Palestinians? Should all of the blame for the continuation of the conflict fall on the Palestinian side?

Many of the above questions have also been raised by Zionists. However, I emphasize these points in their conception of Zionist history.

It is good I guess to challenge the existence of a cultural hegemony in Israel. Different groups have undermined the perception of the melting pot, according to which only one Israeli culture existed and all the cultures joining it had to shed their previous identities. 

These unique cultural communities who have been fighting for their place in Israel include Mizrahi Jews, USSR immigrants, Israeli Arabs etc.


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