Exh J9090000iju

 Legality wise, I feel that the US should consider making all illegals who have lived in the US and contribute in some way to our society for at least a few years (give or take a year or two), and basically integrated “de facto legal by default” (but without publicly making such a virtue signaling proclamation, only through actions not words)

This way , there would be less bickering and divisiveness over this issue since that would be a stealth way to extremely decrease illegals in the US without deporting them or creating harsh anti immigration policies (but different than former President Ronald Reagan did it with his 1986 IRCA, in part because this wouldn’t be amnesty but a fundamental change to permanently blur or even remove the lines between legal and ‘illegal’ immigrant while retro fitting current illegals into this change by making them ‘de facto legal by default’). 

Can’t complain about ‘illegal’ immigrants if there is hardly a line between legal and illegal immigrants.

We should really try to prioritize the concept of citizenship by putting the fact of residence first while we also separate access to political rights from the degree of national identification. 

Giving primacy to citizenship over nationality would imply giving priority to our political society, and this would entail a less organic conception of that community, and more open. podemos

The US is the border of North America. But that cannot be translated into being the border control police. This must be translated into a fair and humanitarian vision of migration, which respects the right to migrate and the right to life. podemos

Then after decades of this, I would then want the US to go from being a Constitutional republic with states into a Communitarian Nomadic Empire (along with the rest of North America and maybe Central America) and thus have true open borders by default 

Open borders will help improve business and left wing Anarchist freed markets. Open borders draws from bleeding heart libertarian economists, which advocate for liberalizing migration on the grounds of market rationality and economic freedom. 

Limits on migration are as bad as full planned economies are bad. The Cato Institute, reflects some of my reasons for supporting eventual open borders since open borders is a fundamental tenet of libertarianism, and consistent, blanket and long term immigration restrictions make us poorer (Adam Smith Institute)

Following Reagan and figures like Milton Friedman, George W. Bush championed liberalizing migration before, during, and after his presidency. Grover Norquist, a zealous advocate of Trump’s (and Bush’s and Reagan’s) tax cuts, has for years railed against the illiberalism of the trade unions, reminding us, “Hostility to immigration has traditionally been a union cause.”4

This way ,people would form natural communities throughout the Nomadic Empire North America based on their connections to said communities. Moreover, their social identifies and personalities would be molded by their community relationships with some individualism thrown into the mix. 

Migrants (there would be no such thing as illegal migrants in this system) to the Nomadic Empire North America would form and find their own Communitarian communes in this Nomadic Empire North America based on shared cultural values. 

Eventually after decades or more of this, maybe new countries and nations might possibly possibly form/reform 


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