Exa grghhjjhy

The hardest pill to digest for me is that the underclass is at its core reactionary and bigoted
So I must choose between siding with them vs the elite or focusing on opposing bigotry 

People might be inherently xenophobic and have personal biases built in or at minimum there might be a grain of truth in that 

The mistakes are 1) conflating individual bigotries with reactionary politics, and 2) describing this broad human trait as applied to the working class specifically.

If I choose the latter over the former people would say 'Jason is not a racist, he just hates poor people" or 'Jason thinks his disdain for the working class is better than yours'

Furthermore, the underclass disproportionally is filled with minorities and are they all or even vastly bigots? No of course they aren't.  Helping the underclass is a way to by de facto opposing bigotry. Maybe both goals aren't mutually exclusive 

Whenever the white working class gets too small a lot of minorities then get promoted to being white. Just look at Jewish people, Polish people and Italians.. The same thing is occurring in South Americans today.

Like why not change the bigots views while helping minorities too? 

We have to change the system to abolish the very real class privileges in our society

The 'underclass are reactionaries and bigots' narrative is bad because it is after all based on the liberal 2.0 mainstream framing of the issue, and just takes the 'anti liberal' position. 

By post leftists or partial post leftists like me doing what I wrote at the top, it puts me in a contradictory position of me saying that the working class is reactionary, instead of me rightfully saying that the liberal 2.0 establishment who are moving us backwards in the direction of feudal society are reactionary (what reactionary actually means)

I have to avoid liberal 2.0 talking points and patreon building talking points

Though the working class does hate left wing economics so maybe I should tell the working class to fuck off

Imagine what the conditions of someones life has to be to favor anti-racism grifters showing up to "train" workers instead of having a living wage for said workers

Bigotry is a tactic to divide the incredibly diverse working class. Bouncing off the fact that most workers aren’t woke in the intersectional sense of the word to the notion that the working class in its entirety is pro-bigotry and reactionary is a dumb take

It is a mistake to conflate individual bigotries with reactionary politics and to describe broad human traits as applied to the working class in particular

The “underclass” is ambiguous- it could mean the bus drivers, plumbers, and cart runners at Target, or it could mean petty thieves, homeless people, and methheads (Autonomy which is related to Marxism, has its own wide definition of working class)

 Conflating personal bigotry with reactionary politics is an inadvertently a liberal 2.0 take (and thus a wrong take)

Because “the lumpenproletariat exists and is not on the side that we are on” is a very historical observation that has withstood the sands of time.

But assuming we are talking of semi- and unskilled workers, then still yes. Those workers depend way more on community, family, and their traditions to make ends meet than do bourgeois and aristocratic people who can afford to cut off people from their lives

Those ties are a material necessity- they mean a social network, friends to assist in moving, siblings to pitch in if someone falls behind on rent, friends to babysit while a person goes to job interviews. 

In the face of revolutionary rhetoric they truly are reactionary, since revolutionary rhetoric sounds retarded to the normies who can’t afford to go to jail or to do a wildcat strike at their job tm and get axed

All the narratives of burning it down to rebuild a utopia alienates those people

But post left or Marxist people who say “workers are too idiotic to realize that race is the defining force of their culture”, shall for that sin burn in Marxist Hell 

Traditionally, bigotry has meant the fall of worker movements, and marginalized communities have been the lifeblood of a lot of worker movements.

"Marginalized communities" only can claim a win in pushing the liberal 2.0 needle somewhat leftward, they've never pushed a victorious working class revolution.

I do not side with the anti-racist elites against the supposedly bigoted working class. I am against the elites pushing the anti-racist grift

 Materialism is the path forward for our society, not wokeness 

Like sure, the most ~non-bigoted~ social-justicey sort of people will be very disproportionately rich and well-educated, but they're still only a small minority that they really don't even tip the scales 

If you do public opinion polls, you're not going to find bigger levels of social conservatism or bigotry among the low incomes persons. Quite the opposite, in many cases, in reality. White evangelical christians are among the richest demographic groups in the US

You can't look past the fact that Donald Trump's voters were still more rich than Joe Biden's voters. 

Donald Trump won over voters earning >$100k/yr by double digits, while Joe Biden won voters earning <$50k and also voters earning $50-100k, in both cases by double digits.  (see here)

And there's  nonwhite underclass people in high enough numbers to account for this. The Democrats aren't a coalition of rich white people and poor nonwhite people, despite what these lame and off base "post-left" people telling you. You'll find several of middle- and lower-income whites voting for Democrats

Whether it is abortion, same sex marriage, transgender-sexual bathrooms, police issues, race and affirmative action, legalizing marijuana, criminal sentencing, divorce laws, death penalty. On none of those issues are you going to see that income negatively correlates with social conservatism. 

The perception that poor whites are all Confederate-flag-waving hicks, and poor bipoc are the way they are negatively stereotyped and Latinos are all very tradcaths--are all untrue. 

All a series of libels that the elitist liberal 2.0ers use to ease their own guilty consciences. I could be reversing the polarity but I have to do so without agreeing with the slander: 

There is an alliance of the white northern class with nonwhite ethnic voting blocs in the description of the coalition of the former President Barack Obama and what carried Joe Biden to the Presidency was the suburb surrounding increasingly blue cities which contrast with ailing red rural and exurb areas

The "post-left" hypothesis that "rightoids are more class-conscious"/"the ACTUAL harder working Americans are socially conservative" is a dumb one that isn't steeped in truth, but when that narrative is questioned some people merely tend to seethe and cope. 

Modern social conservatism is a mythology that the "middle class" came up with so that they could justify its opposition to the labor unions, social welfare, or any kind of solidarity with the poors; for the working class, many of "heckin based social conservatism" is simply a recognition of a horrible capitalist reality rather than upholding that reality as a positive virtue. 

Downwardly mobile white middle class sorts clinging to social conservatism is harmful, rather than helpful to their class consciousness.

I heard an anecdote that an anarchist group stupidly refused to meet with striking workers because trans members of that anarchist group were afraid that the striking workers might be transphobic. 

We have to take back the left from the liberal 2.0 larpers. And no I'm not saying we ought to be transphobic, I'm saying however that whatever gender someone is or identifies as is not as important, as the bigger problems our society is facing

I have an issue with the "fundamentally bigoted" narrative. I'd have an easier time agreeing that an exploited working class faces more and more competition, and resorts to building in/out groups as a means of preservation, to preserve or improve their standards of living. If we take that bigotry is a result of exploitation, campaigns that are hostile and oppositional to bigotry are, by proxy, campaigns against the expression of the exploited.

I am not sure how strong a connection is in play between socioeconomic status and racist bigoted beliefs however

Nothing surprising my view at the top of this post "yes I am a class reductionist but unironically.." and then I talk of "community" when it comes to subjects like the petit bourgeois

I'd have an easier time believing that an exploited working class faces increased competition, and resorts to forming in/out groups as a means of preservation

I mean, I believe that people are "fundamentally bigoted," in the sense that humans are tribal, and people commonly rely on stereotypes about groups they hardly have any meaningful interaction with.

Even educated liberal 2.0ers are like that (try asking a white-collar London resident about MAGA despite the fact they've never met one ever), just that their prejudices or "naive takes," if you like, are socially fine and dandy

“As a former lib/leftist” This tells you everything you need to know about this person.

We should not say that "All of the working class and poor are bigots, and thus we shouldn’t help them” That is the wrong attitude and viewpoint to have

Proclaiming yourself a leftist and failing to understand the convergence of social fights... ok buddy

Real question when the term “underclass” is applied, what is the socioeconomic cutoff, and if someone exists within said socioeconomic cutoff, do we still see that person when they hear or read of that term, or do we automatically imagine it’s “other people”? 

I see more than a few people referring to “they”, but I also ponder that a high portion if not most of us are at most blue collar/working class stage, with less of us falling to the lower socioeconomic part of that if not even lower. 

I’m not insinuating anything here. It’s merely an interesting angle.

Didn't the rainbow coalition begin when Black Panthers joined forces with Southern pride migrants and turn them into socialists?

Sorry but claiming that the underclass is fundamentally anything reaks of some dumb essentialist b.s that I thought we were trying to avoid h

Wait... so we should join forces with the elites to crush the underclass beneath our heel because... rainbow capitalism is good?

I love that my top of post take falsely looks like I am unironically saying “ I would rather be a woke oppressor than help liberate even one bigot” 

There is no uniform definition of what an elite is beyond hand waving — at times it’s Democrats, at times it’s the state apparatus, at times t’s the MSM, at times it’s corporations, at times its (fill in the blank) — but totally not anyone like Donald Trump. 

All this to say, elites are whoever there is a convenient punching bag at any given time. I have no interest in fighting alongside such punchers. To me, I can materially spout off who the elites are — the capitalist class that own the means of production and who can passively live off of our labor. They are the true elites 

This hog wash about "the working class is more than willing to embrace economically leftist ideals but sadly the left is too welcoming to those damn 'wokies" is 100 percent just a Republican grift to get misguided and dumb "anti-idpol" leftists to join in with their white nationalist b.s

But this can be seen as a blatant strawman. There are many white working class Republicans who would support universal healthcare and similar economically progressive policies but when they observe Liberal 2.0ers and rarer leftists say nonsense like “birthing people” and “men can have periods” they rightfully come to the conclusion that the left is insane and they vote for Republicans. I touch on the economic side of this in this post

Plenty of people vote solely based on idpol. Donald Trump could have come out and supported free healthcare, free college, $17.5 minimum wage, and so long as he kept up the support on the right wing side of culture war issues, he wouldn’t have lost that much supporters.

But poc are sadly overrepresented in the underclass. So wouldn't calling the underclass socially backward be considered racist?

My top post on this post would be divide and conquer if i had chosen the latter. We cannot progress as a society if we divide ourselves and conquer our enemies with a woke newfound cohesion

I mean, if we are saying the average human doesn't want to reside in a polycule bug eating society that radlibs imagine? Than yes, they probably are bigoted. Ultimately most would define an idylic paradise as being the Shrine from Lord of the Rings before they define the digital nomad bugmans life as perfect

Bigotry is largely caused by urban liberal 2.0 elite/classist types currently. Unlike decades ago. Yes, there are some relics from religion left, but not so much in younger conservative populations.


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