Exh Neecky

I am Unironically trying to change (i.e deradicalize) Nick Fuentes to make him Center left or Left Wing just like Steven Bonnell (Destiny) has been doing. It’s just that I can’t find any effective strategy to defeat this horrific and scary threat that Nick poses to marginalized groups . 

Nick is a different and more unique threat so flipping him to be non bigoted and left wing or left leaning is the best course of action to take to protect marginalized groups from Nick and his base’s very real and grave abuse. Unless someone has better suggestions on how we can defeat the threat him and his base pose to marginalized groups i am all ears

I don't take this lightly that I am trying to deradicalize Nick through chats to do this. It is clear to me that there is some negative feeling I have about the risks of doing so.

Nick is an ideologue, and what Destiny (Steven Bonnell) says about Nick is true, Nick has surrounded himself in this pool of quicksand around him with his followers that add incredibly hard barriers for Nick to ever shift any political positions on ideologically. 

Me, like my fellow Nick deradicalizers like Destiny are strong personalities ourselves and we make ourselves digestible to Nick's audience by treating Nick as we do to create a conduit for our positions and philosophy to be internalized by Nick, and also his audience at the same time. 

Whether me, Destiny or other Nick deradicalizers say so outwardly or not, those who aren't willing or able of doing so independently, out philosophy/worldview is that we need these preconditions in place (i.e. basically not screaming liberal 2.0 banshee) so that their mind is able to be primed to even begin to listen to what we are saying. That is just normal expectations for humans.

Similar to the Age of the Gigachad conversation with Chud, Mr.Girl and Destiny some time back. It's obvious even normies like Chud. There is a bit of degree of audience capture influencing the streamer and then the streamer influencing the audience. With Nick and his segregated crowd, that ultimately must lead to further radicalization.

I know that radicalization and fake news/’alternative facts’ are likely the most difficult issues our society face right now. 

What we deradicalizers are doing is precisely aligned with combating those things. Nick and his crowd are some of the most radical people out there that we can link to harm in the real world. News stories coming out more and more with people who are linked to that community. So it makes sense what I am doing since I am trying to deradicalize a lot of people like Nick and Groypers.

We know that the culture war on all issues (except drugs, porn, prostitution, drag queens was won by Liberal 2.0ers/left), but time doesn't end there. I think we aren't too sure about what the sociological outcomes will be with trying to win over Nick and his Groyper audiences. Maybe it won’t work, but I am not sure if doing nothing is a better strategy

2) The problem with Nick Fuentes, and the majority of the goons people who he surrounds himself with, is that they've all adopted super-mega-neo-postmodern-anti-contra-ironic behavior, so none of us freaking knows what any of them *truly* mean.

I only try to deradicalize Nick, nothing more in the normal sense of the word. It's just a comical bit since I was a Nick enemy 

There's also the comedic bonus of moronic Liberal 2.0ers attempting to smear me and Destiny because of that

3) Nick and his Groypers freak squad have a more positive view of me, especially relative to other "left" type personalities/voices. Though that is like saying they like Joe Biden more than they like California Governor Gavin Newsom

There is some common ground and alignment with me on Nick and co on issues over the years (like wokeness/idpol to an extent) and this has farther bridged the divide allowing me an opening to deradicalize them. I refuse to align with them on more issues out of principle and I hope that ticks Nick and his trollish base off

The fact that I am staunchly pro-free speech, and I am known to be pretty loose in terms of being non pc further cements the generally less hateful view of me amongst Nick’s base. 

As such we will rarely see disparaging jokes or insults related to stuff like me being a cuck even though that is core for those on the right typically, since it would nearly be "misguided fire" which is not endorsed nor encouraged by Groypers.

The fact that the liberal 2.0ers/left "eats their own" to the extent of trying to cast me off, maybe the most reasonable and sane and respected voice from the liberal 2.0/left sphere over the past decade, makes it all for Nick and his catboy crowd not to piss me off and to allow me to deradicalize them

I would never knowingly or on purpose try to give Nick undue respect and certainly not try to further normalized Nick in normie spaces or to make Nick be seen as acceptable and permitted to be tolerated in public space. My goals are the opposite in fact for a plethora of reasons

I prefered an aggressive, angry, direct debate rhetoric toward Nick and his troll army over the cordial, civility-brained talking strategy I currently try to use to engage with.in deradicalizing Nick and co, it's much more functional in deradicalising them that hold irrational beliefs and place too much trust on figureheads like Nick.

I have to learn how to conduct myself to deradicalize an audience as people like Nick and Groypers which I’m attempting to do. I would never be complicit in Nick's dogwhistle-ironyposting rhetoric but I am not good at picking up dogwhistling ironyposting rhetoric since I am trying to dersdicalize him

I rarely push back against Nick when he makes thinly veiled statements that go over my head (I have Asperger’s so I can’t read people good at all). I have to realize that Nick and his crowed are purposefully hiding their beliefs so I don’t fall into this trap

Imagine if the Pharoah of the bible just had that one person in his life who really did love his works and would tell him so over a drink, maybe Pharoah would never had become a supremely evil ruler and one of the worst politicians of all time

I am deradicalising not just Nick’s audience ,but my big target of my de radicalisation is actually Nick himself, even more so than his audience. As proved by Daryl Davis, treating my political enemies like Nick and co as human beings is an extremely effective tool in de radicalising people.

Yes Nick has a material interest to being a white supremacist fascist, he is heavily financed by extreme-right crypto bros and has been deplatformed from every single platform under the sun for being as such. His whole mantra is being a WN fascist who aligned with extreme-right politicians and if he became a "moderate conservative" he wouldn’t be supported by anyone due to his dirty past. 

Daryl Davis deradicalised KKK members, though he never deradicalised a person with a vested interest and personal cult following like Nick.

Though, Daryl Davis did de radicalise Roger Kelly, a former Imperial Wizard of the KKK, when he quit the KKK, he gave Davis his robe. So basically Kelly would have had vested social and financial interests in the KKK. So maybe Nick can similarly be deradicalized by me


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