Exh crazeedd

Every political group has it's bad apples. A few bad people doesn't speak for the entire group. 

Some people find it a lot simpler and comfortable speaking with conservatives. They allow them to explain their views with out being called racist or anti woman 

With them some like minded persons not so different than Conservatives can have various point of views and they'll still respect them. When talking to liberal 2.0ers some of them seem to always try and shove their viewpoints of how things need to be done on to them while at the same tine saying people should be ‘open minded’ and be ‘free’ and if someone doesn’t agree with everything that they do then they are grifters or homophobe who despises gays. They seem to think that since someone appears to be Liberal 2.0 then by default they are on their side.

Most pretty liberal and progressive people  regularly talk of the "twitter progressive" and "twitter liberal" culture (Liberal 2.0 culture) thats plain ridiculous. But I haven't met any such person like that in real life.

One redditor said he/she knew one such person in real life who was pretty selfish and constantly playing the victim card and was recognized as being selfish and that person was accomplishinh more harm than good and had to deal with whatever problems they had.

At the pretty progressive Universities in California, and in New YAWK shCity, etc. So some real people interacted with such trolls in real life "alot"

Some xtian high schools are very are conservative and more so with whats going on right now, they all believe it's a hoax or meant to take the president down or whatnot

The above type of Liberal 2.0ers are also right on Reddit and on Twitter. One social media user said they lived with such a Liberal 2.0 for a few years. 

That redditor said that his/her Liberal 2.0 roommate taught at a huge local college and took her students to view the Jordan Peele movie "Get Out" as a study on the relationships between blacks and whites. She taught a whole lecture about the false idea that top billed African American athletes that make tens of millions of bucks a year are still ‘less powerful’ and more oppressed than the average , wait for it…….middle class white person (of course of course sigh). 

And the redditor said that Liberal 2.0 roommate teacher also yelled at him/her and called him/her a ‘racist’ (of course she did because why the fuck not, amiright?) when the redditor RIGHTFULLY said MLK's quote about "judging someone by the content of their character and not the color of their skin." 

Apparently ignoring a person’s skin color to the Liberal 2.0er wokesters is also ‘racist’ and equally bad? (thanks Dr Zizmore!)

The Liberal 2.0er roommate teacher also believed she was a psychic and made the redditor’s bae throw out a mirror because she said it was haunted and had refused to allow her keep it in our apartment. Oh yep and she locked herself in her bedroom for three days sobbing when Donald Trump completed his junta in 2016. She had numerous friends that were also just as batshit crazy and lame.


Maybe that anti woke redditor has a personal bias that is coloring these situations. Not everything or even the vast vast majority of what that redditor’s Liberal 2.0 roommate teacher said is that unreasonable if its unreasonable at all. 

She might actually sound like she's seeing things from a nuanced perspective. And, some African Americans would get mad at people like the above redditor just mindlessly parroting MLK quotes as an excuse to ignore anti blackness that plague African Americans which they have to deal with on top of African Americans being plagued , like all working class/blue collar class people by a evil socioeconomic system in Capitalism (see Cedric Richmond’s Black Capitalism for more)

So no, she might not seem even sound extremely crazy. There are super extreme rightists holding Nazi rallies and attacking African Americans in churches. But some anti idpol people like the above redditor are angry his/her Liberal 2.0 teacher roommate took some of her students to go see Get Out? GTFOH. If you see it that way, not all such wokeness is subpar. Also ,maybe the psychic stuff has nothing to do with her politics

Some people would read my counterpoint and WRONGLY think I am a crazy leftist? They would even falsely say I was excusing blatant brainwashing of young adults and spreading of misinformation (there is that word again) simply by me saying maybe the woke roommate teacher had a point or wasn’t as bad as her anti woke redditor roommate thought. So even non Liberal 2.0ers like the anti woke redditor who would say I was excusing wokeness with my counterpoint, falls victim to purity politics and the like. But still, you will find such purity politics mostly in the Liberal 2.0 wing and not on the left or even on the right 

Back to the show. Yes those people most certainly exist and Twitter is a dumpster heap. But speaking to people more on some sm forums I realize what I mean is I see less of a spectrum of people on the right.

The Liberal 2.0 wing has those nutty people I described above, but also a lot who believe racism is a problem but rightfully wouldn't call someone a racist for quoting MLK, since only an retard would think its racist to quote MLK

Every conservative I've see is a climate change denier which is a major letdown for me. I don't know the last time I've heard a MAGA troll genuinely criticize 45.

On the left/lean you got the Bernie people and on the Liberal 2.0 wing you got the Joe Biden people. In leadership the left/lean left got AOC and the Liberal 2.0 wing has Nancy Pelosi (who is mostly Liberal 2.0). On the right side of the spectrum, all I see is all hands on MAGA or New MAGA (Ron Deathsantis)  and everything those two dudes do. The only one who truly differs sometimes besides Lizzie Cheney and Adam KKKinzinger is Mitt Romney and while I don't agree with Mitt politically I can at minimum give him credit where its due (like Mitt not putting anymore of his dogs on the roof of his car during cross country road trips)

Republican Governor Chris Sununu of New Hampshire is pretty solid. I don't agree with everything Chris does, but he's handled the health crisis in his state fairly well. I believe at one point New Hampshire was only at 10% hospital capacity 

He's willing also to invest in STEM initiatives for youngsters, which I can get behind. He's personally pro-life, but he tends to vote for moderately pro-choice policies. The only thing he's actually hard on is him being a Capitalist, Sununu flat out said he will never become socieconomically left wing, not even socieconomically moderate left wing as Bernie Sanders is. This means I can never support Chris and it especially irks me since Sununu’s state, New Hampshire BORDERS Bernie’s state of Vermont. Hasn’t Chris heard of Left Libertarianism? In a state like New Hampshire that is surrounded by solid blue states like Massachusetts, Vermont and New York, and is Libertarian, Left Libertarianism would be a perfect, natural fit.

But imo, considering Chris’s other stances, history, and the unimpressive Democratic challengers, he's been fine for his state.

Those do sound fine and he seems sort of reasonable. I guess I struggle to seek out conservatives like him in the US. Not that they don’t live and breath but it’s not what I see as the majority


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