
I saw an older article on this asking sub asking whether Anti-SJWs are merely just bigots, or they have a point in people in the SJW movement explains their views.

Life is an on-going process of my both clarifying thoughts and ideas as well learning new perspectives on issues.

As someone who used be to be less tolerant of SJW, it’s not so clear cut. Anti-SJW culture as a whole is a bit toxic and breeds bigotry in some ways, as well as well many anti-SJWs are ignorant to how systems work against people, but I have seen what I feel is toxic behavior that makes people’s aversion to social justice the the SJW stereotype not unwarranted.

“Privilege” while a concern that a lot of marginalized people have, is often thrown around to dismiss people’s points/thoughts without engaging with them. Also gaslighting of people who are offended for being condescended to as “self-victimizing” or “one’s privilege is speaking.” Condescending and talking down to majority groups as if they are lame. 

The correction of racism or sexism being defined as prejudice+power often comes off like defending problematic behavior, and to add upon that, I’m not comfortable with the whole idea of mean-spirited jokes towards white people being seen as “punching-up.” 

Cultural appropriation is thrown around to erect artificial boundaries of what aesthetics belong to a culture rather than precise elements that are sacred. An extreme example in which makes anti-SJWs annoyed is the debate of whether whites should dress up as Black Panther for Cosplay 

Generalizations of majority groups despite the generalizations is a huge thing in bigotry because it reduces people to a group membership. Furthermore, while oppressions happens in ways not that far off from systemically, the world isn’t completely collectivist and we are still individuals leading individual lives and that must be accounted for. 

A person should not be held accountable for the actions of others (thinking of an example in another post in a forum where a poster proclaimed where personal shame to the extent of anxiety of his or her ancestor’s atrocities is “recognizing oppression” is healthy, which I will say is totally unbecoming).

My listing all of these issues doesn’t render the issues of social justice warriorism trivial or a cause not worthy of fighting for, but it does mean there’s a issue in how ideas are expressed, misunderstanding of what dynamics between different groups need to be, and people with maybe problematic philosophies or intentions within movements.

Persons, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, ability, neurotypical/divergent, and anything else I missed all should be treated with dignity, respect, have their basic needs taken care of, and have their basic and civil rights recognized and they should be protected.


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